All Discussions (933)

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Lots of Coturnix need new homes

The 2 incubators are sold, but due to more riding time, we've decided to sell all our Coturnix.  There's over 100 day old chicks - $1.50 each (LOTS of colors), around 100 week to 2 week old chicks at $2.50 each and we will also be selling off the bre

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Compost Challenged!

  We were just given a nice little compost contraption and I have never used one before. We have only desert landscape and no real "brown" to add but our pine/fir shavings and alfalfa that we use in the chicken coop & run.  Would this be enough as lo

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hey, my chicken can yodel!

I think Maryann, the big red one, may be Bob. Would anyone like to have her/him? Also, this will leave me with two. The black one has been running about, puffing up some at the big one (but not yodeling... yet). If it turns out that she is a he, what

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Winter alfalfa hay prices first winter requiring alfalfa hay is fast approaching.  Back in Michigan, hay prices would be sky high during the winter.  Is that the situation here?  Do I need to load up my hay loft?  Anyone else with livestock, or knowledge of hay prices

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Bloody egg


I recently was making scrambled eggs with my own little eggs and after breaking the egg open out poured some blood in with the eggs.

Should I be concerned for the hens?  I threw out the mixture, but there was quite a bit of blood in there with the

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Goat Housing...

We are preparing to build a new structure for our dairy goats and I was wondering if anyone out there has any input regarding the ideal housing for our climate? Where I live (Yuma Foothills) it is very windy more often than not and I know they do not

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Weird Egg

Hello all,

Had a weird one today, and thought I would see if it is something to be concerned about.

1st,  since the hens started laying 5-6 months ago I have seen many different behaviors and a few egg types. For a while there in May-June, i was gettin

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Purchasing Layers

I am trying to find a source to purchase 1 laying hen.  I have two and would like one more.  I have tried Pratts, but by the time I got there they were all sold (an hour after I called).  I personally don't like to buy from Pratts, but was willing to

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Four 9 Mo. Hens Available

I have to cull my girls as they have all become egg eaters.  It makes me very unhappy but I got them for laying, not just pets.  We used golf balls in the nesting boxes from the beginning and then retrofitted the boxes so the eggs would roll away int

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Cracking Eggs

I am finally getting eggs from 2 of my 6! However lately, Sophia has pushed out so much filler from her nesting box that when she "plops" out the egg it has a small crack on the tip from hitting the bottom of the box, which is wood. I have added a to

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What breed is this rooster?

Does he look like a bantam?  I will measure him tomorrow, but he is MUCH smaller than my Silver Laced Wyandotte, White Leghorn, and Delaware roosters.  I dont know how old he is.  But he is very featherd, and has a huge comb. 

He has a Walnut/Rose typ

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10 Replies

Chickens and Scorpions

Hi all!

Have a one-year-old daughter and have found more scorpions in our home this year than all past six years combined! Agh! My husband has wanted to raise chickens (for eggs and because he loves them, lol) forever and now I am convinced because I

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'Hen' Crowed this Morning

I'm having some difficulty with this 'urban chicken' thing!  My wife came in the house this morning and said, "Our chickens are making a strange noise."  It was definitely some sort of crow.

I'm assuming that means its a rooster but either way I can't

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