Hello All!I am so looking forward to getting chickens and having fresh eggs every morning! I read Rachel Bess's Fowl Play and signed up for the class this month. However... my boyfriend's dad (who is retired and itching for a project) keeps asking us
I've got two hens and would like to add another hen. I am looking for a 6 month old hen. In addition, I've heard of fighting amongst hens before and would like to know if there is a way to introduce a new hen in the least stressful manner possible
We finally are almost finished building our chicken coop - a triangle shaped one based off a plan for a chicken tractor, but slightly larger. Just a little too large to easily move.
The question I have is, we were originally planning on leaving the
An eggtraordinary panel of local poultry experts conveyed their knowledge, answered questions and delighted the audience Saturday evening, November 6th, at the ASU PURL facility. All five panelists are devotees to the wellbeing of their flocks, whet
Hi all - some friends of mine had their chickens stolen out of their coop behind their house at about 11:30pm last night (Wed pm) near 12th and Roosevelt in Tempe. When confronted by a neighbor, they dropped one chicken, but got away with the other.
I just bought a house on 1.6 acres in Gilbert (horse property, no HOA) that allows me to have my chickens!! Woot! But it's flood irrigated. What precautions should I take, if any, with the flood irrigation?
I have been trying to get some home insurance quotes and finding that once I say I have chickens they reject me. Has anyone else run into this problem?
The insurance I have now I have had for years (pre-chickens) I was just trying to get new and hope
I've been getting a lot of speckled eggs lately. I also get a kind of opaque coating consistently on one of my brown egg layers eggs, almost making them look pink. Anyone know why this is? Is there something amiss in their diet?
Well I guess I can pick brains on the tour tomorrow, but figure I'll post here as well.... Went to let the (2) girls out this afternoon and found a bunch of feathers in the coop from our silver-laced wyandottte (1 yr old). she looked okay, but upon ex
Does anyone know where one might locate a list of all of the cities in the valley and their ordinances that pertain to raising chickens? I have a vague recollection of having seen such a compilation on-line before I got my chickens, but I can't recal
We are down to two chickens (having moved the roosters on). Each morning there is a great deal of clucking, goes on for maybe 20-30 minutes but no eggs. They were born in mid-August. Do you think they are not getting enough light and maybe I should r
If anyone has any of the plastic woven chicken feed bags and you don't know what to do with them or you are going to throw away, I will take them! You can email me: portrigarapid@gmail.com or call me: 602-377-4651. I will gladly pick them up! Thanks!
I am looking into placing my order for chicks... and I am debating between the online places. I am likely going to order the 25 and then split them with a friend of see if anyone wants any here... but I was thinking of just going with an assorted lot
For the past month or so, almost all the eggs from my chickens are jumbo size (defined as at least 2.5 ounces.) No double yolks. I realize that after they molt, larger eggs are expected, but the one in the photo attached is 3.3 oz!
This is going to be my first winter with my chickens. I have 4 chickens of different breeds. I have a good coop for them, but I am wondering if there was anything special that I need to know about keeping the warm and producing eggs pretty regular.
I am moving to another state and will not be taking the chickens with me :(
I have a large triangle shaped tractor coop, if anyone is interested. It is approximately 8 ft long and 6 t tall (I think....My cousin built it about a yr ago)
Faith North Montessori has a pair of ducks that need a good home. They are probably 2 or 3 years old, the female is mallard and the male looks like across between mallard and white domestic. Their eggs are fertile,they are pretty friendly, and look p