I got home from work, checked in on the chicks in their new coop (day 2) and the slightly smaller one is getting pecked from one of the others. What do I do about that? They are not like dogs, where I can clap my hands and say-- hey, quit that. They
The Arizona Poultry Organization is having a fun show on Saturday, October 2nd; additionally, the state vet is scheduled for NPIP licensing. This is a sanctioned show with a licensed judge. If anyone is interested, please email me for information.s
So my Buff Orpington has gone SO broody that I literally have to give her the boot from the nest box- and she pecks at me and fights every step of the way. She's been broody for about a week now, and I thought about trying to break her, but time outs
One of my Ameraucana's was breathing heavily yesterday with a soft audible sound. She was still eating, drinking and being social so I kept an eye on her but didn't worry to much about it. Sadly, I found her dead in the coop this morning. She was app
I have just started gardening for Faith North Montessori in Phoenix and we have two adult rabbits that are sheltered outdoors. They have been in residence there for some time and seem to be fine, but I am concerned about their general care and especi
So we just shredded a bunch of old bills, work papers, school papers etc and now I have two garbage bags full. Is it ok to use them in the hen's nesting boxes? I read no colored ink or shinny paper and I wouldn't put any plastic from the envelopes ei
These baby chicks are going on 3 weeks and are getting really big. They are like the size of pigeons. I moved them into the guest room 2 weeks ago (garage was too hot) and they are in a really big sterilite container with a window screen on top. Am
Hey everyone. Friends of ours have decided they are going to sell their hens. There's 4 Red Naked-Necks, 1 Brown Naked Neck, 4 New Hampshire Reds and 4 Easter Eggers... They just started laying and they're priced at $15 a bird.
The Arizona Poultry Organization will be having our club meeting this Saturday July 17 at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be hosted by Suze Scott (me) in Tempe. Please email me for the address.
Meeting Agenda and topics will be Fall Activity planning and
My daughter thinks the barely in our house for 1 week baby chicks need to be given a bath. As previously stated, one has lost quite a bit of feathers, they all get pine shavings on them, they get damp when they spill their water onto the pine shaving
I hope that someone might tell me what to do for my hen next. This morning,because of construction going on in my backyard, I shut my 4 hens intheir coop to keep them 'safe' When I got home just after lunch, threeof them were dead and one in bad sh
I need to find a loving home for my hens. I have two Barred Rocks and two Buff Orpingtons. They're a year old next month and were raised together. Then I have three darling little Australorps which are 4.5 months old. They're very sweet and extre
We are being overwhelmed with birds eating our chicken food. I have read on this board about using a programmable chicken feeders but not where to get them.
My hens are just laying up a storm so I have put my fertile chicken eggs up on sale, I have Barnyard Mix which consist of mix of RIR's, Amerucana's, Barred Rocks and Bantams. I have the pure breed RIR and Amerucana (Blue egg layer).
They are on Cave creek road between bell and Union Hills they also have a store in the town of cave creek. They have chicks, rabbits, etc. Family owned
I have an assortment of hens that dont lay very much any more. If anyone can use them in any way please call me at 602-565-4848. What do we do with old hens? Do most people eat them, or just keep them, or ?
Well I have 15 two week old ducklings.... not sure on the sex of them yet...I'll keep all posted. If there is anyone interested in ducks please let me know.... Looks like they are all white this time. pictures coming soon.
Well, my little babies are all grown up. I have 6 female ducklings available for re-homing.
They were all born on June 3rd, 12th, and 13th. Their daddy was a black Runner and the likely mothers are either a blue Runner or a Campbell. The mothers like
Well, my little babies are all grown up. I have 6 female ducklings available for re-homing.
They were all born on June 3rd, 12th, and 13th. Their daddy was a black Runner and the likely mothers are either a blue Runner or a Campbell. The mothers like
i bought some turkey eggs at the farmers market a cople weeks ago, and I tried cooking one this am... the yoke was not as usual. Closest I can compare it to is warm taffy... is this normal for turkey eggs?