Lots of Coturnix need new homes

The 2 incubators are sold, but due to more riding time, we've decided to sell all our Coturnix.  There's over 100 day old chicks - $1.50 each (LOTS of colors), around 100 week to 2 week old chicks at $2.50 each and we will also be selling off the breeders.  There's currently 72 breeding hens and 24 roosters.  All are 6-8 months of age and over 1/2 are just now starting to lay.  They're $50 for a quad (1 roo, 4 hens) or, will sell all the adult set up (pens, birds, etc) complete if interested.  We have a very good standing customer and regularly are sold out of birds.

For colors we have Brown, Gold, Tibetan, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Tibetanish, English Whites and Tuxedo in most of the colors as well.  We've bred jumbos into the birds and have most breeders at just about 1 pound in weight, so they'll be excellent meat birds and most are laying almost bantam sized eggs. (It's not uncommon for them to almost be too big to fit in our incubator trays).

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  • We buy it wholesale.

  • Ok guys, I really need to get some of these birds moved. I really need the space! Just had part of a hatch arrive last night so there's now about 250 babies that are a day to week old. If any of you attend farmers markets, it would be an ideal place to sell both meat and eggs!
    • Alas all the adults and equipment are sold.  We do have lots of chicks still available in a multitude of colors!  Will need to get them moved out so we have room for the rabbit cages we're building.

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    • I'm teaching a coturnix class if you have an hour and a half to spare on December 11th. :) They are great birds!
    • Roos can be noisy (I've become accustom to their sounds, so to me they're not "that" bad). All our birds are fed a 24% gamebird grower formula once they're feathered out. Until then, they're on a 30% gamebird starter mash. The mature size of most of our breeders are 12+ ounces with quite a few of the spent breeders being at a pound (we've bred jumbo browns into all our colors to improve size for meat production) and we raise ours on wire. Mainly due to the fact they're kept in side our garage during the summer so they can be kept in AC and it does help keep things cleaner for us. They lay like little machines and it's rare that a day is ever missed but they do need to be kept separate from chickens. They're a total breeze to butcher too and the meat is WONDERFUL. We typically grill ours and it's very handy that they're super easy to skin!

      We have a few Middle Eastern and Asian customers that adore the eggs and meat.
    • I know this is a few weeks old, but I was wondering if you are still trying to sell your quail? I am attending Rachel's class next week and am starting to look into what we may need to get this going. THanks!!
    • Yep, as of right now we do still have quite a few. Im about to put about 100 in the freezer this weekend but have lots of day old and week old babies with about 800 eggs in the incubator right now.
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