Impacted Crop

I think my EE has an impacted/pendulous crop.  Does anyone have any suggestions short of crop surgery, to help her??  Many thanks!


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  • If her crop is obstructed and she drinks a lot of water and leans forward, that water will come back out again, just as a function of gravity. That will actually happen to a bird with an unobstructed crop if she drinks enough, you are probably seeing it more often in the summer because they drink more in the summer. Even if you knew the parentage of this bird, it wouldn't make a bit of difference for you, so don't worry yourself over that. If she is continuing to act normal aside from these symptoms I would give her an eyedropper full (or two) of olive oil daily and massage the crop area daily as well. If she is laying, she can't be that starved, so that's a good sign.
    • Thanks Rachel and Chris! I'll do as you've advised and hope for the best :)
    • I know the watery poo isn't just he heat, as she still does it, but since it's cooled it has improved. You can totally tell where she roosts, it's where I always have to scrub the wall. It's the chicken version of "freckles" on the toilet! I have been able to soften up her crop, it is still huge but softer. She seems just fine with this huge water balloon swinging side to side as she runs up to greet me and she is still laying about 5 eggs a week, so she musn't be too uncomfortable:) I will keep up the olive oil for another few days and just check her often from now on. Any other suggestions...keep them coming & thanks to all!
  • Chris,
    Do you think it is possible she could be fine with a big firm swinging crop? I'll treat her a little with the oil & massage & see if it is relieved a bit. This is also the EE I told Rachel about who since she was a chick had major water bowel movements. Not watery...water. She will also throw up water often during the summer. She is now laying and seems fine with that, but boy she has been an odd one! Thanks Chris,
  • What makes you think this? A very full crop can look like a raquetball sticking out of their chest, but would still feel like a water balloon if pressed. An impacted crop is very hard, and there can be other symptoms as well like a bad smell, but sometimes very full crops are confused with impaction. If you still strongly suspect impaction, you can give her a few eyedroppers full of mineral oil and see if that helps move anything along. Massage the crop gently to see if you can help break anything up.
    • Thanks Rachel. It is the size of a racquetball and feels like a hard overstuffed beanbag. It swings side to side very obviously as she runs or walks. It has been this way for about a month. When I check it in the morning, it is still full and hard. She always seems ravenous and I hate the thought of her basically starving to death because she can't process her food :( Would olive oil work as well or should I head to the pharmacy for mineral oil? I just want to use what will work the best to relieve her.
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