What breed is this rooster?

Does he look like a bantam?  I will measure him tomorrow, but he is MUCH smaller than my Silver Laced Wyandotte, White Leghorn, and Delaware roosters.  I dont know how old he is.  But he is very featherd, and has a huge comb. 

He has a Walnut/Rose type comb.


But what about the feathered legs?

He could VERY WELL be a mutt as I do not know his history.

But I think he is beautiful.






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  • I agree--mutt--looks like an americauna in some of the feathering and face...either way...be VERY careful...he's got RED eyes! I have 8 roosters and it seems like the aggressive ones always have red eyes....(silly theory I know)...my americauna roosters are SO aggressive and they attack me all the time--they are going to be soup very soon...they also killed a chicken by smashing her face in the mud...I have a mille--doesn't look anything like that rooster...2 year old got one of her eyes pecked out by a rooster (read it in Carla Emery's country living)--watch kids around them...
  • Definitely a keeper!
    • :) Cute huh? lol
  • Is that RIR in the last pic a rooster or hen? One of my 'hens' kind of looks like this and I'm afraid it might be a rooster.
    • The RIR is a hen. The Delaware in the picture before that one is a rooster. I totally thought silkie when I saw him because of the size and comb shape. BUT the comb is RED so that threw me off. I have 4 silkie hens, and their faces are BLACK with turquoise blue earlobes. After searching to find out what he was (no name yet he just arrived) I found out that silkie roosters DO have red combs and wattles with black mixed in. Who knew haha. Silkie would explain the feathered legs, but WHERE are the fuzzy feathers lol ? He is certainly not fuzzy. I know Silkies come in a variety of colors White, black, brown, buff and partridge. But I had never seen a silkiie with his coloring. I have decided he looks a little like a faverolles. Someone had told me he looks just like (minus the feather legs and his has a single comb) his easter egger rooster. I have 4 easter egger hens and they do not look like him much at all. His spurs are HUGE and out of control haha. I guess those come with age. But he is SUPER SUPER sweet and calm and just lets you pet and hold him. He is shy of the other roosters who are WAY younger than him (not even a year yet). But they are much larger. Everyone gets along great. I just thought he was beautiful and unique, but had so many parts that did not fit together I could not put my finger on just what he was. Thanks for the help :)
    • Actually no silkie should have a red comb. The standard calls fo rmulberry, with breeders preferring as dark as possible. With some plumage colours, dark comb and skin colouring is difficult, with others, easy. And the comb colour goes along with skin colour. Easiest place to check skin colour is the wingpit. Can also check skin colour close to the vent,

      Cuckoo (fuzzy barring) is genetically almost impossible to get dark skin as the barring gene dilutes also skin colour. Buff can be difficult, but there are some very dark combed and skinned buff birds available.

      Male hormones do tend to lighten the comb colour of the boys, but if the bird has all the right genes for dark skin, is should not be red.

      It is usually fairly easy to remove spurs that become too long. There are several videos on youtube.

      Basically, you firmly hold the leg, and gently twist the spur back and forth, loosening it and it will slide right off, leaving a much smaller spur in its place.

      The new spur will be rather bloody, so have some quick stop or styptic powder available. DE also works well.

      Spurs grow in a myriad of different ways, and some are not problems, while others can be. I've known of birds tripping over their own spurs or seriously injuring their hens when mating. Either of these cases would be definite grounds for spur removal. Removing spurs on people aggressive roosters would also be a no-brainer. Just really long, but not causing problems? Sometimes I will and sometimes not.
  • Also agree that he is a mutt with some silkie in there... Silkie would also account for the size.
  • A duccle would have a single comb, and would not have a crest. My guess is that he is a mix. From his comb and crest, I would guess that he has a bit of silkie, but is missing the black skin (note the red comb), and appears to have only 4 toes. His foot feathering is closer to that of a brahma or langshan
  • He does not have Ameraucana puffy cheek feathers (beard). He reminds me (in body shape) of a Mille Fleur d'Uccle. That would explain the leg feathers.
  • I could only put 3 picturse on the post




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