Adding real food to my Chicken's diet

As the cooler weather is approaching, I am getting excited about adding some "real food" to my girl's diet. Can I glean form the knowledge here about what NOT to feed them and/or any other tips you feel necessary to share.

Thanks a million!

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  • Thank you everyone! This is perfect!
  • I just give them all of my kitchen scraps, but I avoid meat and cheese. Although I have heard of people giving everything but poultry to their birds. I lay a flat board on the ground next to the house and after a month I move it, it seems to make them very happy to eat all of the inhabitants that scurry around when I move the board. They basically hang out around my compost pile and eat the scraps I bring out. Fruit and vegi, plants clippings, bread, rice, seeds, nuts....I tend to throw out more kitchen food than I used to because I decide if noone is really going to eat the leftovers in the house, then I might as well give it to the chickens before it rots. They see me come with my green bowl every morning and they greet me happily waiting for it to be dropped.
  • I use this list...
    • This is great information!! I love their website.
  • Raw green potato peels
    Toxic substance called Solanine.

    Anything real salty Can cause salt poisoning in small bodies such as chickens.

    Dried or undercooked Beans Raw, or dry beans, contain a poison called hemaglutin which is toxic to birds.
    Avocado Skin and Pit
    Skin and pit have low levels of toxicity.

    Raw eggs
    You don’t want to introduce your chickens to the tastiness of eggs which may be waiting to be collected in the nestboxes.

    Candy, Chocolate, Sugar
    Their teeth will rot… No, it’s just bad for their systems, and chocolate can be poisonous to most pets.

    I have found that my girls really LOVE Yogurt and bananas. They almost climb my legs after it! Hope this helps.

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