Compost Challenged!

  We were just given a nice little compost contraption and I have never used one before. We have only desert landscape and no real "brown" to add but our pine/fir shavings and alfalfa that we use in the chicken coop & run.  Would this be enough as long as I keep a 50/50 ratio or do I need to solicit the neighbors for other "brown" sources? Also, how much of my chicken droppings should I add?  We have droppings boards under our roosts so I just scrape them off weekly.  Thanks for any advice!


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  • Thanks Chris. The wonderful input and advice I've gotten from you and others on PPG has contributed greatly to our success and also made it so much more enjoyable! All the best to you & yours :)
  • Thanks everyone! I was hoping this wasn't going to be a challenge :) I have 12 chickens with two more bantam Cochins on the way next month (I just can't help myself, they are sooo sweet!). I am really trying to get this gardening thing down and I know the compost will be great for our new raised bed vegetable garden. With homeschooling three kids, the chickens ,garden, and my 90 year old Grandmother, the idea of composting (another unknown) was a bit daunting. Thanks for the input, I feel much better now!
    Also, if anyone is interested, I will be going to CA to pick up my pullets next month. The breeder I get my girls from is an amazing lady (Wingshadows Hacienda, Warner Springs) who loves her birds and takes wonderful care of them. She only sells started birds(8 weeks), no chicks so they are $20 a piece. These little Cochins are phenomenal layers with a small/med egg not a pee wee egg and I have been getting 5 eggs a week :) Best thing is they are the friendliest birds I have ever been around, flying up on my arms and shoulders, they enjoy being held, and are so curious. Strangely enough, this summer when it was 112+ my little Cochin was the liveliest of my crew and the first to lay. Sorry, I could go on & on :) If you're interested, let me know. Lynne is working on Mille Fleur and Buff Barred right now I believe.
    Thanks again for the information...looks like I'm composting now :)
  • I have no trees to get leaves, however there are many parks nearby. I am sure that it looks funny, but I actually go and rake up fallen leaves in the parks and geen belts. I bag them up and store them to use as needed. Hope this helps.
    Happy composting!
  • Carrie, you can definitely compost with a desert landscape. I have a similar yard, with 6 chickens and a small garden. The hay + chicken poop will be GREAT for the compost, plus throw in lots of your kitchen scraps! It's amazing what that combination alone can do.

    It took me a while to get used to composting here in Phoenix. I found that adding water once a week and turning everything once in a while really helps too. I have a rain barrel that collects the rainwater, and use that to water the compost a bit.

    Good luck!
    • Oh, you can also use shredded paper. So if you have lots of scrap paper laying around, shred it and add to the pile!
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