All Discussions (933)

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Chickens and Ducks at school

   I am helping with the chicken coop at Faith North. Dont know much... The pen is nice sized, approx  20 x 20, there is a baby pool for the ducks, chicken feed in an automatic feeder, as well as water in an auto feed. The chicken coop is enlcosed wi

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17 Replies

Rescued chicks...

I rescued 4 baby chicks from a guy on a street corner last night. We were planning on starting a backyard family soon anyway. Can anyone suggest on how to sex the chicks? We are in Tempe so we can only have hens. I have no idea how old they are. Any

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The pecking order

The chicks are about 9 weeks old, they get supervised yard trips outside of the coop, all seems to be well. There is a Buff and a black one (don't know the breed name) and the white one. The buff and the black one are now doing a wierd puff up, stret

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5 Replies

Raising meat rabbits.

I have been considering raising meat rabbits for quite some time. I have done it before on a fairly large scale. But I would like to start out slow. I think that I am ready. I am considering only one buck and one doe. New Zealand of course. I have a

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Missing egg mystery

About 3 weeks ago my four 2-year-old hens went from providing 3-4 eggs a day to one or none.  At first I though that maybe they're getting ready to molt so things slowed down.  But they never started looking like they were molting, so then I thought

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7 Replies

bugs in feed


Eeeeek! So I went to fill up our feeder yesterday and found our entire bin of organic feed loaded with little bugs (I'm no entemologist and the best I can describe them as was itty-bitty brown beetles). Bin is not airtight and is kept in our shed, b

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10 Replies

Chickens Wanted

I am looking for some good laying hens.  I currently have 7 and want to double my flock.  I would be interested in all breeds as long as they are good layers.  They will be feed organic feed, organic fruits and veggies, corn, and will have plenty of

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Concerned About Parasites/Disease

Hi to all.  I have a 9 mo. BR that has lost all of her downy feathers around her vent and down about 3".  I have to cull her along with my other 3 as they've become egg eaters.  I don't think she's been laying recently but otherwise doesn't seem dist

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