About Me:
Started with planting trees, then our children discovered rainwater harvesting and begged for chickens. Next permaculture venture: find out if it is possible to have all parts of a garden be successful in a season. Someday: greywater harvesting and solar hot water.
Here contact info is : Barbara Halden (halden@cox.net)
Just tell her you know me.
How do we know each other?
Thanks for the compliment on my front yard mascot! I share your pain with Bermuda. Do you have chickens? My girls like grazing on the Bermuda, the only thing it is good for.
I had the mason jar already, it makes such a cute feeder doesn't it...feels like what grandma would have done. :)
The stress comes from three ladies who want to garden now and who I fear will expect me to weed the new garden later this year after the Bermuba has taken over.
I'm thinking of either digging it out (digging down 8" - 12" x 4' wide and 8' -10' long (I'm tired just thinking about that), or building 2' x 4' x 24" tall boxes on skids (I think this is what Dom Titmus was suggesting in the forum).
Although the boxes will cost more and take more water to keep the plants happy, I can move them around and The girls can get started sooner.
I need to research it better, but I don't know how dangerous the glysophate is the people, gardens, and / or livestock. I have used it many times to kill bermuda before I found out about bio-remediation.
Gotta run, dinner is ready and I'm starved.