I have been lurking around this board for a bit now trying to decide if I should get chickens to raise in our backyard for eggs or not.
I have finally decided to take the plunge. I am going to be buying some newly hatched chicks probably around the 7th to the 14th of April so they are all close to each other in age. Does anyone have anything hatching then that they are planning on selling around that time frame? Let me know. I would prefer to get them from local people if i can. I am interested in any egg laying chicken of standard or heavy size.
I have a large area right now I am starting to work on to get ready for the birds once they are old enough to be outside. I am planning on giving them an area about 50 ft by 7 ft.
I am on the west side which it seems may be a rarity from what I have seen, but that doesnt surprise me much.
Well Just thought I would say hello.
Thanks and have a great day.
Faint Family Farms
ha, I started last year raising a back yard flock when I came home from work & my daughter had brought home 5 baby ckicks that a friend had given her...lol...In JUNE!!! hot hot hot
No set up, no experiance, but it was (and is) an adventure. I think I have read so many books on chickens...
Most feed stores have lots of baby chicks and they are pretty good at sexing them. Though, in all honesty, it is not 100%. I just picked up 4 more baby chicks late February and was laughing yesterday when one started to crow (very pitifully) A list of feed stores around the valley is posted on the group page. When I first got this new batch I kept them in a baby playpen I picked up for $10 @ a yard sale until they were big enough to live outside, Had it on the back porch with a heat lamp. Easy as pie.
Everybody here has a different set up in their yards. Chickens are not too picky. The larger the area the better. I have a large A-frame coop with 4 nesting boxes and a large fenced off area that the girls can free range in during the day.
Make sure they have LOTS of shade & water.
How far west are you? I am on the west side, @ 35th Ave & Camelback.
Thanks for telling me about this BTW :)
Seems like a great group.