My new chicks are just a week or 2 old and I feed them Organic Chick Feed from Pratts. What I want to know is how soon can I feed them other stuff. I put them in the yard each day and they pick at the grass & bugs, but I don't know when I can start f
Well, after literally MONTHS of agonising, I finally plucked up the courage to ask our neighbour if she would mind us getting a couple of chicks, and you know she said YES! I am amazed and happy, and wishing I hadn't waited so long now, but anyway.I
I finally got my 2 chicks yesterday. I knew I would love them, but I love them more than I even thought I would and so does my family. Already!They both keep streaching their legs back behind them. Is this a sign of anything. I have a light coating o
I'm switching up my flock making room for new and different breeds and I'm selling my polish. I gave her a haircut last season so she could see. :) She's a standard polish, but even a standard sized is in-between bantam and "normal" standard size. Sh
I am a newbie chicken mama with 3 hens my 18 yo daughter brought home as a result of her FFA interests. We built an awesome coop and run for them but the day we moved them in from the temp 4x4 cage one of them stopped laying and it's been 8 days sinc
I am getting ready to finally puchase some chicks after months of research. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any good feed stores or places to purchse chicks in the south east valley. I see so many places in central pheonix and the west side.
Hello everyone! I just want to start out by saying you guys are all so awesome- I love reading everything you all post!I'm just going to be settling into my new house hopefully next month, and building a coop and getting ready to start my garden, etc
I am a newbie chicken owner - we have four chickens - 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpingtons. I am pretty sure one of the Barred Rocks is a rooster - he/she hasn't begun crowing - yet - but this morning his vocalizations began sounding like he has lary
What to do about summer vacation? We'll be gone for a couple of weeks the end of July and need a chicken sitter, I guess. We're at Glendale & 16th Street and would really feel better about leaving if someone who has chickens might "sit" for us.I teac
Just wanted to let everyone know, so the word could be spread. If you live in Phoenix proper and your property is over 10,000 square feet you do not need to have permission from your neighbors. Of course you may NOT have roosters and must keep it cle
My hen, who is a 4 1/2 month old Black Sex Link, laid this cute tiny little egg! I saw it in the next box, and couldn't believe it. In the neighboring nest box was another gargantuan egg laid by my Ameracauna hen. What a day and night difference betw
Just wanted to offer Mr. Snow White to a good home thru the permie website before I try to find a rescue for him. (purple stuff on back is no pick lotion, it is wearing off)...he was not picked on it was just a precaution.He is very sweet! 11 weeks o
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I have 3 Khaki Campbell ducks. One of them has become broody over the last week. My hens free range, but are fenced in a smaller portion of the yard at night. This is where they lay their eggs, so as soon as I noticed her not getting off her nest in
I have a fenced garden, but I have another spot in the backyard that I would like to plant in. The problem is my free range hens seems to eat everything. It's not worth fencing this new area off so I could only plant something that would be left undi
Well, I am a bit sad this morning as a feel I was duped by the breeder I bought from. I realize that breeders make mistakes with chicken sexing, but not only do I now think this bird was mis-sexed, I am sure that the breeder was wrong about the bird'
I don't know what is wrong with her....she looks pretty weak and she is sort of gasping for almost looks like she is hickupping or choking. It doesn't feel like she has any blockages....WHAT SHOULD I DO??