Question about Breeds

Hello everyone! I just want to start out by saying you guys are all so awesome- I love reading everything you all post!I'm just going to be settling into my new house hopefully next month, and building a coop and getting ready to start my garden, etc etc, so I won't be getting my chicks until the fall....but...I'd love to pick your brains first!I've done some research and I know that when I am able to get my chickens I'd like to get some buff orpingtons, but as I've been reading through the forum I've heard people suggest having a few different breeds in the flock. I seem to lean towards the larger birds but I'd like to make sure they are of a calm temperament. I was looking online and I found a golden laced wyandotte and thought it was just an absolutely beautiful bird. Do any of you have any or know anyone who has any- I was just looking for anyones experiences about the wyandottes and if they would be a good match to buffs.any opinion would be appreciated! Thanks so much!

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  • Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences! I am so very much looking forward to getting started!
  • Welcome to the chicken club. It's addicting, so be prepared. We have a relatively small flock - 2 Barred Rocks, 1 RIR and one Welsummer. The BR's and RIR are pretty docile, but the Wellsie is a bit hands off. But, she's a beautiful bird and they lay dark brown eggs. Got ours at The Western Rancher off Bell.

    Good luck!
  • We have a golden laced wyandotte, she's about 6 weeks old now, and she's very pretty and a good sized bird, too. She's not the most social of the group (that distinction goes to one of our easter eggers who sits in my son's lap just like a little puppy), but she's calm and good with the other chickens.

    We also have 2 black australorps. We got them locally (source on craigslist at 35th Av. & Deer Valley). They are about 5 months old now (not laying yet), but they're calm and with feathers so soft you'd understand the allure of a "feather bed". Their feathers have a green & purple hue in the sunlight, too. Beautiful birds.

    My favorite is our little Phoenix. She's the smartest of the lot, and with those extra long feathers, she flies better than the rest too. She's about 1/3 the size of the easter eggers (same hatch date), but she's healthy and really good at catching flies.
  • I've got 3 Brahmas and 2 jersey blacks. The Blacks are very friendly and interact really well. The Brahmas are more skittish and tend to pick on each other more. I'm planning on expanding in the fall as well and was hoping for some ameracaunas and rhode island reds. Although I have heard that the silkies are really smart and pretty as well. Good luck!
  • Wow thank you everyone for your input and experience! I can't wait to get started! :) It would be very cool to get them locally, so I will be sure to check out both ray's and gordons! Thanks again!
    • the stockman out about 75th ave and buckeye road also carries chicks
  • Oh yeah, thanks Dan about the feed store correction. I would definitely add a barred rock as well. My americauna/easter egger eggs are not any smaller than the other eggs. Jane brought me some giant ones to hatch too, I think since easter eggers are a mutt chicken the egg size might just depend on the mix. :)
    • my americauna egg are mostly larger than the barred rock and the r/reds, i also get double yolkers from them at times
  • Green eggs, even though they are a little smaller, are always cool, so that's why I like the ameracauna. The ameracaunas and rhode island reds I have are all very docile, and they love to be petted and hand fed. They were all high strung and ran away from me until they started to lay eggs for some reason.
    • i have some barred rock , r/reds americaunas , ane one Brahma they are all pretty mellow hens
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