I don't know what is wrong with her....she looks pretty weak and she is sort of gasping for almost looks like she is hickupping or choking. It doesn't feel like she has any blockages....WHAT SHOULD I DO??

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  • Well....she survived the nite....seems to be ok this morning. We were up til 11 last night giving her water and I actually cut open an Omega 3-6-9 and gave her a couple of drops of that (the only other oil we had in the house is Olive oil or baby oil...the Omega seemed like a good choice. I think I need to get some Vitamin E oil for future use)...we seperated her from the rest and she is doing ok this morning. Thanks for your suggestions.
    • If she returns to normal and wasn't being picked on by the other birds, put her back in with the rest of the chicks. Being alone is very stressful for a chick and could cause more harm than good. It's unlikely she has a communicable disease IMO. If she's weak and just generally not doing well it could be just because she was a weak chick/failure to thrive.
  • Hmm. That's a new one for me. It sounds like you did the right thing though. When giving chicks or chickens liquid it's best to drop it on the top of their beak and it will sort of roll into their mouth and they take it that way, or if you can get them to take it by mouth without forcing it in there that's fine too, you just don't want them to aspirate liquid.

    I don't know how old your birds are or what bedding their on, but if they're really young, they might be trying to eat the bedding, keep an eye out for that if it's a possibility. You could always put them on an old towel for a few days if you're worried about that.
  • Ok....Ace rubbed her throat area and she stopped gasping. I'm gonna guess she had something stuck in there. (not sure what??) He got her to take a couple of drops of water from a dropper and she seems to be doing fine. I will update in the morning.
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