All Discussions (933)

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Lost Rooster...

My aunt lives just south of I-10 and 15th Avenue. For the past few days, there's been a rooster roosting in her neighbor's pine tree and hanging out in the neighborhood. She said he's fairly friendly and even greeted a neighbor right at the car door

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best coop designs for AZ heat

We are having to redo our coop and we would like tips on building one for AZ heat. Right now we have a tractor and would like something we can stand in.I am always torn between airiness and worrying about rain protection. I know it doesn’t rain here

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Eggs in this heat

My only laying hen wants to lay right in the middle of the day! Without fail, it is always right after noon, and when I'm at work, I worry about it being in the heat 'cooking' till I can get home and get it out. How long can it be out in this heat be

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6 month old RIR not laying yet

Shouldn't my RIR be laying by now? She is the most hen pecked, bottom of the pecking order gal that I have, could this cause her to be delayed? She is really a nervous wreck....she always acts like she's expecting a beating at the food dish. Just cur

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roost / perch size?

When we built our coop it seemed like I found advice that said that 2 x 4 (with 4 being the flat side they perch on) being a good size for chickens.We are going to be "remodeling" our coop and I would like some advice on perch size. Our chickens don'

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chicks somewhere other than pratts

Does anybody now a good valley location to purchase chicks or pullets other than pratts? they do not take good care of their animals there and i'd rather support a more reputable business. however i only need a few so i don't want to order 25 from a

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hi all, could you help me find a home for a red frizzle rooster4 mo old, he's looking for a lots of cute chicks, he is well behaved except for this habit of crowing, help me not to go tent city by adopting him. sherry

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Algae in the waterer

Does anyone else find the algae that grows in the chicken waterer a gross pain to deal with?! I used to put this algaecide (sp?) in my dog's waterer (it is safe for animals), but I have hesitated to put it in the chicken's water because I don't want

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Local chicken farmer?

So, I am really interested in feeding my family backyard meat birds, but I really just can't do the processing myself. Neither can my husband. Does anyone know of someone who processes and sells their backyard birds? What about a local farmer that ra

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Just curious chicks are 10 weeks old & I am seeing a few soft downy feathers every morning in the coop. Is this normal feather development, loss from the heat or something else.By the way...we got the mites solved & the girls have a sand box

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