What can I feed them??

My new chicks are just a week or 2 old and I feed them Organic Chick Feed from Pratts. What I want to know is how soon can I feed them other stuff. I put them in the yard each day and they pick at the grass & bugs, but I don't know when I can start feeding them worms and vegetables. Is it ok to do it now, or should I wait til they are older??

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  • You can give them a little now if you want, but do it very sparingly. (worms and bugs are fine) They need all of the protein in the chick starter so they can develop into strong healthy chickens, if you dilute this too much with vegetable treats even though the vitamins are good for them IMO, it's not as good overall for the chick.
  • I was told I could start giving "treats" around 8 weeks.
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