
Well, after literally MONTHS of agonising, I finally plucked up the courage to ask our neighbour if she would mind us getting a couple of chicks, and you know she said YES! I am amazed and happy, and wishing I hadn't waited so long now, but anyway.I know now is a terrible time to be getting chicks with the heat and plan to get started in the Fall when it is cooler, and we have the coup sorted. The area they will be in is shaded most of the day, and well out of the way of all our dogs which is an added bonus.I want chickens for eggs, not meat and am thinking I will go for Rhode Island Reds. I found some at our local feed store. Would this be OK do you think? How are the mail order companies, and are there any benefits of doing it that way? Are there any local breeders in the North Valley that are good? I really want to get chicks to reduce the probability of disease.Sorry for so many questions but I am almost too excited to contain myself! :)Michelle.

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  • i have 3 New Hampshire reds that are 5 weeks old. i will sell them if you dont want to start with real young ones. these are already aclimated to the heat. they will be brown egg layers. if your interested give me a call 602 320 5030
    • Thanks so much Dan but I really wont be ready until Fall probably. I have a lot of work to do on the back yard to get things sorted. We have four dogs and I want a separate area so that there is no risk of them making a tasty meal of my chickens. If you have any for sale in early Fall I would definitely be interested! Thanks again.
  • Congratulations Michelle! The advantage with going with a hatchery is that you have a larger selection of breeds to choose from, including rare breeds, and if you're buying a lot of birds, it will be a little cheaper. For your purposes, especially since you are leaning towards birds like Rhode Island Reds, you might as well get them from a feed store in town or a local person. If buying locally I would buy from a person that is either hatching out sexlinks (the color differences between M/F guarantee you'd have a female) or someone that buys sexed chicks in bulk and resells them. The feed stores usually have their orders in a long time in advance so if you call and ask if they will be getting any _____ breed chickens in, they can often tell you a date.
    Here is a list of good egg layers that are frequently found at the feed stores: Rhode Island Reds, Red/black sex links, orpingtons (usually buff, sometimes australorps), americauna (easter eggers) and barred rocks. They also have what's called a production red or a production white (sometimes called a california white) These varieties sometimes have disposition issues and for a flock that doubles as pets, I would personally go with one of the other choices. Why not try one of each of a couple different kinds? :)
    • Thanks for the information Rachel! I think you are right that I should try a couple of different breeds. I think I need to come and take your chicken class again too. :)
    • Michelle,
      I've had my chickens since October and love them so much! They make wonderful pets and now that they've started to lay it's so exciting to go out and find an egg in the coop. My husband just recently built me a coop in April for my birthday (how romantic right?) Before that I had rigged an area in my yard to keep them in. You'd be surprised what they are happy to live in! Anyway, it's very enjoyable and relaxing to watch our girls interact and there really is a pecking order. I have one very bossy Ameracauna, she's the only one laying at the moment, I have another Ameracauna that I'm beginning to suspect is a eggs and it's REALLY big, and a 3 mth old Rhode Island Red and a 3mth old Black Sex Link (Black Star). They are all from Pratts feedstore on Glendale. They always have a good selection to choose from. If you order from the hatcheries sometimes the shipping is pretty high. Check out Craigslist to! Good luck as you begin your adventure with chickens. They are lots of fun. There was just an aritcle in Sunday's paper about backyard chickens to.
    • Thanks Krissypink! I love all the information about everyones flocks. I am so excited to get started, but have to do some serious reading first, and get a coop built. Now I'm thinking I may go with a couple of Rhode Island Reds, and a couple of Americauna's. They sound like good layers. Thanks again! :)
  • Hi Michelle,
    Congratualtions! I will let the experts answer your questions but I just wanted to welcome you to the exciting world of chickens. I am a new owner myself and am loving it! There are so many wonderful people here on the PG site.
    I can't wait to see what you end up with!
    • Thank you for such a lovely welcome Susan! I will keep you posted! :)
  • My first batch was from a breeder in Queen Creek who I would STAY AWAY from (IMHO).

    I just bought 4 more chicks this weekend from a breeder in the North valley named Vanessa. They are beautiful chicks & she buys only pullets form a very reputable hatchery. If you get them from her, then you don't have to buy the larger minimums that most online sources require. I have only had the chicks a few days, but they are gorgeous & doing well. You can find her ad through Search under "Chickens" & then look for the ad that lists all the hatch dates for each breed she carries. She has lots of different age groups.

    Having chickens is so much will totally fall in love with them!

    Congrats on the approval from the neighbors. :)
    • Thanks Beth. I will definitely look into that breeder you went to, and stay away from the other one! :) Good luck with your little ones. I am really going to take the time to do my research now so that I am ready by the time it gets cooler in the Fall. I appreciate your feed back!
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