All Discussions (933)

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Egg Co-Op

Hi There,our new batch of hens have just started laying and they are doing really well! I have 11 hens all laying brown eggs. I am getting an average of 8 eggs a day and I this will only get better as they hit their prime. I have been thinking of bri

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Muscovy Drake Dilemma

My drake, Errol Flynn, is about 5 months old. He free ranges with two Muscovy hens, 4 Ameraucauna hens, and 2 Nigerian Dwarf Does. He picks on everyone, especially the larger doe. Will this get better? Keep wondering if his behavior is sexual frustra

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She stopped laying

This is a follow up post to my previous one, "My first chicken emergency." Harriet is much better, but hasn't laid an egg for a week. Before the incident, she typically laid an egg every day. Sometimes she would skip a day, but she would never go mor

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Newbie chicken questions

Hi all,I'm considering getting some chickens and I have a few questions. I am planning on taking the next chicken class, but it's not for a while.Are chickens loud? I don't want to drive my neighbors crazy. We have a block wall, and the nearest neigh

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egg question

i just moved and my 9 girls now have big yard and a new coop. I found 15 eggs this morning under the coop and I'm not sure when they were laid. Should I toss them or are they safe to eat.

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chicks need homes

i have etxtra chicks! different breeds, all layers. i got a mixed group of rainbow layers from mcmurray hatchery, hatched on 9-16. so they are hens but i am not sure of the breeds.I have more than i need. if you a nervous about tiny chicks i can hold

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12 Replies

White feet and beek!

I have a hen that in the last week her feet and her beek went from yellow in color to white, both her beek and her feet. Her body is white and her eggs are a pale green. She is 6 months old. I just wonder if this is normal or a sign of sickness or ma

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Organic feed in Mesa?

Is anyone interested in TRYING to get Mesa Feed Barn to carry organic feed? I have no idea if they would be willing to order it but I thought maybe if I could show them there was an interest they might consider it.Right now I have been driving to the

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RIR ROOSTER, free to good home!

Mona Lisa, our Rhode Island Red hen, is now Leonardo, the rooster... Due to zoning we are unable to keep him. My 11 year old daughter picked him out when he was just a feew weeks old, and since then he has been doted on. He has been fed all organic f

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Chicken Training 101

Well its Saturday morning and I just finished watering the plants in the garden and my chicken has once again reminded me that I had not yet let her and her friends out.If she knows someone is in the back yard or in the house(she can see us thru the

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