All Discussions (933)

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Free white silkie bantam pair!

I thought all my chicks were hens. Oops!These are lovely little chickens. The rooster is gentle and lovable (we named him Star) but he does crow and I can't keep him. I am a vegetarian and would never eat please don't suggest.Pick your favor

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Rare Breed Roosters

I have two rare-ish breed roosters that need a new home. The new neighbor can't stand the crowing, even when they are shut inside for the night. It wakes up her little kids. So, they must go. The boys are 6 month old salmon favorelles. I currently ha

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Raising Chicks

I know lots of the feed stores are expecting to start getting chicks soon. I am completely new to this and would love all information and helpful suggestions anyone has to offer. We were interested in starting with chicks because we have children, an

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Mauled Chicken

Our dear Ozzie chicken has a patch on her back the size of a dessert plate with no feathers as I got home from work tonight and went to look for eggs. She's still strutting around with the other chickens and running across the yard for goodies, but h

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How much and how often do I feed?

What is the right amount to feed chickens and what is the best method to feed them? Should I let them have 24 hour access and keep the feeder full or should I be feeding them twice a day and a certain amount per bird? I have 10 chickens and the large

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Can we meet your chickens?

Hello all,My girlfriend and I are interested in seeing someone's chicken set-up and meeting your chickens! We have been researching taking on hens as pets and egg layers and would really like to be able to see it first hand. Ideally, we would like to

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Crowing Hens Need Help!

Hello everyone,my problem is reaching a critical point now two of my hens are crowing like roosters (very loud roosters). I live in an area with some picky neighbors and most likely will get a complaint sooner rather than later.I have read the posts

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Chickens for sale

Hello every one, I am new to the group. Just want say hi and relay a message that I got from another group in case any one is interested. Glad to be in :-).================================================================================From: phoenixb

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Free necropsy in AZ?

I was just reading a post in Unrban Chickens where someone said that in CA they can get free Necropsy. Do we have anything like that here?"Thanks to the Santa Cruz Pet Chicken avian flu workshop I went to earlier this year, I knew that I could get a

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Question about egg laying

I have three hens, about six months is a Rhode Island Red, one a Barred Rock and an Auracauna.........the Red and Rock have been laying almost every day for the last month, but nothing from the Auracauna yet. Does this breed develop slower

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Two roosters

Well I made a post a while back about a "hen" that was crowing. Well she AND her "sister" turned out to be Roosters. Out of three that I bought from the dupplier two are roosters.So now I have to get rid of two loud roosters and find two young easter

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