9 week old Leghorn makes squealing noise

Is squealing normal?The shrill, squealing noise started about 3 days ago, is not continual, but goes on & on at times. I found no signs of illness, injury or mites, the noise doesn't seem connected with anything in particular, she is perky, not panting, eats, drinks, plays, sleeps, does dirt baths. She is the smallest, and occasionally is pecked or pushed, but mildly.General Background: these are my first chickens, 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Leghorn. From 9 am to 6 pm, there is a fan blowing over a mister, which they stand and look at when it starts to get warm in the morning. the mister is situated so that most of the coop stays dry, and the commercial grower food (always available) is in that dry area. The pen is mostly below an orange tree and has shade cloth over it. they also get greens most days. they huddle together during their activities and chase each other when one finds a bug or lettuce leaf.Thank you!

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  • Without hearing it I can't say for sure, but hens make such a variety of noises, I'm guessing it's a normal noise. I have a bird that makes a noise that I would also describe as shrill and squealing (almost if I was squealing while inhaling) she does it mostly when another bird is in the nest she wants to be in, or is otherwise getting ready to lay. Some birds make more annoying noises than other birds, it isn't always even breed specific, sometimes you just get an irritating bird. I hope she settles down and starts making more pleasant noises for you!
    • thanks.. your response is reassuring.
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