When we built our coop it seemed like I found advice that said that 2 x 4 (with 4 being the flat side they perch on) being a good size for chickens.We are going to be "remodeling" our coop and I would like some advice on perch size. Our chickens don't seem to like ours very much. Are the round dowels used in closets a better choice?What do your chickens like?
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The round dowels are fine, but since you already have the 2X4's you could just cut them down to 2X2's and save yourself some cash. I have found that height really matters a lot more than what the perch is. I have some birds that really like to sleep in the "rafters" of my coop, which are 2X4's.
I have round wooden poles from Home depot, I think they are used to support trees upright. They are 2" or 3" diameter. They love it. I found them near the stepping stones in the outdoor section.
Definitely two inches is the ideal perch size, rounded. Four inches is way too wide for gripping comfort and keeping out of their droppings. I'm not sure how many inches the round dowels are. We use two-inch branches, rounded 2 inch tree stakes or even 2X2 perches rounded with a sander.