Best Chicken Coop
Hi all, Show me your best chicken coop design! Pics would be great too.
Read more…Hi all, Show me your best chicken coop design! Pics would be great too.
Read more…I have 6 chickens
3 are 48 weeks old and good layers: 2 white leghorn, 1 barred rock
3 are 23 weeks old and laying for the past week: 2 silver Ameraucanas, 1 cuckoo maran
They have been separated by a removable door , the 3 older in a pen with the nesti
Read more…Has anyone tried using food grade diatomacious earth to control flies around their "chicken yard"?
Read more…I have a very large open chicken enclosure (outside their coop), and wonder if a sulcata tortoise would be a good companion to the chickens? Has anyone had them co-habitating? I realize that the tortoise is another huge commitment, but I have a fri
Read more…Well the Family Chicken experiment has progressed to the next stage.
our 5 very small baby chicks have grown quite a bit ( 16 weeks now) since our Phx permaculture class last fall (thanks Rachel!) and are moved into their new back yard coop and run (t
I am contemplating coop designs and was thinking of doing the over-the-bed design... but my raised beds are 4x8. Does the coup need to match exactly or can I just drop hardware wire down into the bed on one side to utilize a smaller coop over a large
Read more…I was reviewing my CC&Rs and this is the statement that they have re: pets/animals. The town of Gilbert says chickens are ok... but I would hate to go through the trouble of getting everything set up only to find out that I need to get rid of them. :
Read more…I am interested in buying some polish frizzles but I can't seem to find any anywhere. I am thinking of trying to produce some myself, but I can't keep a rooster in central phoenix. Would anyone else be interested in working with me on this? I would
Read more…I will be moving to Phoenix and plan to bring 8 hens into Arizona. I inquired about health certificates, and it would cost $50 per bird. Do the officials check at the state line? They would be in my vehicle in travel carriers, pretty inconspicuous
Read more…Dear micro livestock friends-
Hi there everyone. Thanks for the welcome. I really love my chickens. I just picked up two 2 month old barred rocks and they are sooo much fun. Unfortunately, my year old hen, Lovie, is more than unhappy with the new additions. I am keeping them sepa
Read more…I have not found a thread on duck breeds other than Muscovies. I have a flock ( all rescued except for Jake, the one and only!) of 8 and I would be interested in hearing about everyone elses. I have :
4 Campbells ( Jake-female, Bubbles- female, Honey
Read more…I am not sure where this would go... so forgive me if this is the wrong spot!
My husband and I are new to this, and are considering adding a few chickens in addition to the garden I have in mind... purely for eggs. I know that there is a lot more to i
Hello, I am new to the group and looking forward to learning more about raising chickens! I am currently looking to purchase 2 hens approx 4 months old can anyone direct me. I am in the E. Valley. Thank you!
I have been reviewing some of the older discussions and couldn't find this answer, so forgive me if this is an old topic, as I am a new member here, but I am unclear on this. Do you need to get permission from your landlord if you are renting, to ke
Read more…I have the what was to be a chicken house but have changed my mind & want to sell it. It has no roof or floor. Need 2 men & a truck to remove. Fairly sturdy framing. The back of it has window frames but no windows. An adult can stand in it & it is ab
Read more…Hi,
I have 3 great chickens, RIR, Easter Egger, and I think a Leg Horn, the store told me different but I am pretty sure it is. All 3 have not laid in 9 days. Is this normal? They are all look very healthy, clear eyes, great coloring. They are wal
Read more…anyone have Maran chicks? I currently have 4 RIR's, 2 Buffs and an Americana. I would like to have a Maran or two. Does anyone know a good place to get them? I would prefer one between 4 and 6 months old. Ideas?
Read more…Hello all-I designed the graphics (booklet, tshirt + poster) for the tour de coops that happened this past saturday- but unfortunately, there wasn't an opportunity to the poster out en masse. We printed a few ourselves, and hung them up at Lux coffee
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