I have been reviewing some of the older discussions and couldn't find this answer, so forgive me if this is an old topic, as I am a new member here, but I am unclear on this.  Do you need to get permission from your landlord if you are renting, to keep chickens in Phoenix?  Does anyone know?  Or do you need neighbors' permission?  Or is it just your right, wouldn't that be nice?

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  • You have to have adjoining neighbors' permission if the lot size is less than 10,000 square feet. There are some ways to type your address into a website and it will tell you the lot size on your parcel number (just going out an measuring can be deceiving because your property doesn't start at the street, the city has a little bit of an easement.) I apologize I can't remember, but it's probably a part of maricopa.gov or similar. I would also ask the landlord, or at least do a very thorough lease agreement review! Right now people aren't anxious to lose tenants so it's probably a good time to ask. :)
  • Don't know about the landlord issue, but chickens are legal.

    "Poultry may be kept within eighty feet of a residence if written permission consenting to the keeping of poultry less than eighty feet from a residence is first obtained from each lawful occupant and each lawful owner of such residence. Poultry shall not be kept in the front yard area of any lot or parcel within the City. Poultry and rodents shall be kept in an enclosure so constructed as to prevent such poultry and rodents from wandering upon property belonging to others. (b) No more than twenty head of poultry nor more than twenty-five head of rodents nor more than twenty-five head comprising a combination of rodents and poultry shall be kept upon the first one-half acre or less. An additional one-half acre shall be required for each additional twenty head of poultry or for each additional twenty-five head of rodents or for each additional twenty-five head comprising a combination of poultry and rodents. For areas larger than two and one-half acres the number of poultry or rodents shall not be limited. (c) No male poultry shall be kept within the City limits except such male poultry as are incapable of making vocal noises which disturb the peace, comfort or health of any person residing within the City. (d) All such enclosures shall be kept in such condition that no offensive, disagreeable or noxious smell or odor shall arise therefrom to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of any inhabitant of the neighborhood thereof. (Code 1962, § 8-8; Ord. No. G-1207, § 1; Ord. No. G-1367, § 1) http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=13485&sid=3… "
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