Wanting a Maran or two

anyone have Maran chicks?  I currently have 4 RIR's, 2 Buffs and an Americana.  I would like to have a Maran or two.  Does anyone know a good place to get them?  I would prefer one between 4 and 6 months old.  Ideas?

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  • Also remember if you are adding 2 birds to a flock of currently 7 birds, the new ones are going to get the crap beat out of them. My advice here would be to keep them separate but able to see each other for a good long while (at LEAST a month, and at least until the new birds are about 15 weeks for size reasons). Even with this, because you are introducing so few birds, it could be quite a rough go.
    The Feed Barn (formerly the Feedlot) is definitely your best bet of getting them.
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