All Discussions (933)

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Hens for Sale

We need to sell our hens to someone who would like to raise them.  We have 7, all good layers.  They have been fed organic pellet, organic grains, organic corn, organic veggies.  They have been free range during the day and in the cage at night.   3

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2nd Easter Egger hen now dead

The end of March one of my two EE hens died suddenly with no symptoms.  Now the other one is showing signs of illness.  I went out to check on them this morning and she was still in the hen house on the perch while the four other hens were out in the

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12 Replies

Another Free Rooster/Cockerel

LOL Vickiinaz beat me to the punch.  

So yea my roo is 19 weeks old.  He is a  Blue-wheaten Large Fowl Ameraucana.

He is the sweetest bird i have right now and will roost on my shoulder in the late evening.  He is one of my favorites but I dont really

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Free rooster

Yep, one of our 12 birds hatched in early April turns out to be a rooster.  He is an Americauna, very interesting looking white and black.  I really would like to find him a home.

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Hen not using leg

Good afternoon!

I just noticed that one of my hens isn't using her left leg.  This is a recent development as an hour ago she was walking on it just fine.  I picked her up to see if I could get a good look at her leg/foot but she gave me a hard time (

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To Mist or Not to Mist

I have heard conflicting reports on misting and fans for chickens.  now that the 110 heat is upon us, i am worried about my chickens.  they have plenty of shade, but it is still hot.  should i set up a misting system so they can choose to go over nea

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Welsummer Chicks :)

I realize I'm probably not very close (Yuma) to anyone, but I have 3 female (sexed by hatchery & vaccinated for Mareks) Welsummer chicks available for sale if anyone is interested.  You know how those "minimum orders" go :)  Carrie

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hot chickens and hot water

As the temp starts to really climb, I thought I would share a chicken-keeping trick that really helped last year.  Chickens don't like to drink hot water any more than we do. The water in the automatic waterer gets too hot when it just sits there, es

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Rabbits for meat

Is anyone raising rabbits for meat?  I ued to raise them  for meat and fur as a kid.  Here in Phoenix where heat can be an issue.  I see lots about chickens but not rabbits.  I am interested in finding

Giant Chinchilla Rabbits.

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