All Discussions (933)

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Guinea Fowl

A pair of guinea fowl showed up in my mother's neighborhood just after Christmas. They split their time between my mother's yard and her neighbor's yard. They don't belong to anyone in the area. How should I go about getting them to my house?

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Lighting for egg production

After reading the discussion of using red for heat lamps, I got to wondering about the lighting I want to add for the egg layers. They need 14-15 hrs a day to keep laying in winter. I was thinking of putting in a 4 ft florescent fixture with soft or

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9 Replies

A & M Whit Coturnix hatched!

I woke up Sunday AM to 1 little yellow ball of fluff greeting me with another one on the way.  As of this AM when I left for work we were at 25 hatched, one started and 27 eggs left to go.  Not too bad all things taken into account, so with that, aft

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is this safe

I have an area in my backyard that I would like to grow some type of vine on. Would something like Jasmine or Honeysuckle be safe for My Girls? I now let them have the entire backyard and I am going to use the run as my garden spot. It's easier to fe

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Does molting effect status?

One of our chickens is done molting and has starting laying again and now the other three are molting. We have noticed that the two we used to think of as top of the pecking order now seem to be at the bottom.All of our chickens used to sleep on top

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5 Replies

Hens for Free

I have 5 hens I need to find new homes for. They were hatched 10/09 and should start laying some time at the end of February or beginning of March. They are 1 Brown Leghorn, 1 New Hampshire Red, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Americauna. They are healthy an

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21 Replies

Free Poultry & Other Birds Calendar

Just read in Mother Earth News that the USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service is offering free 2010 poultry/bird calendars along with other free brochures about biosecurity for birds. The pictures are beautiful and will look great in my kitch

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Sneezing chicken

I am new to chickens, we have 4 and one has started sneezing and rubbing her beak on the grass. I don't see any discharge and she is eating fine. A little slower than normal.What might be wrong and what can I do for her.Thanks for your help

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Anybody need chicks?

Hi,Just letting everyone know that we are a local family breeding and raising chickens in Gilbert. We have 7 breeds and hatch every week. We are getting better at sexing them so that you can get girls. E-mail if you're interested and to find out what

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13 Replies

Marans and Blue Andalusian Chicks

I was at the Stock Shop today buying organic lay pellets. Anyway, they have Marans and Blue Andalusian chicks. I believe they are straight run if you don't mind a possible rooster. If you're into neat looking chickens or very dark brown Marans eggs m

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Female ducks...

I have 2 female ducks I am looking to sell.They were hatched endo of may this year. They have not started laying yet.....beautiful white ducks.I have the mother and the father, and would like to see these two go to a good home.I am planning on lettin

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8 Replies

No eggs

Hello all!I was wondering if you have experienced the same and can offer some advice: our four 6-months old hens (3 Delawares and 1 Ameraucana) haven't been laying any eggs for a few days, before that the number of eggs laid per day gradually decreas

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