We recently relocated here from NC and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on transitioning chicks from brooder to outside in this heat (this weekend we are supposed to hit 110). The coop has plenty of ventilation and shade, but I'm still worrie
My daughter got 6 hens and a rooster a while back. Now she's moved away and I've been taking care of the birds, but really don't want to anymore. I'm not an egg eater so their eggs just go to waste. They're friendly enough and I like them, just have
A friend of mine has a neighbor with a noisy rooster. Any advice on keeping the peace, and losing the constant wake up calls? Her husband went over there and asked them to shut the rooster up, and they asked why... :)
One of my Ameraucana hens just died suddenly, no signs of illness or injury, and after reading a few posts of other deaths, I am wondering if they are just susceptible to the heat.
But I would like to add another girl to our flock, so I am looking to
I have an Aracauna hen, about 1 !/2 yrs old who has had low energy, slow moving, droopy eyes, mostly sitting for the past four days. Her vent pulses constantly, she has a green discharge. We thought she might be egg bound and felt inside the vent to
I have 2 hens and one of them (a Califonia White) is laying extremely thin shelled eggs. In fact for 4 days in a row I've found her eggs broken and possibly eaten.
Several weeks ago I found an eaten egg so I put a plastic egg in one of the nesting
We got 5 RIR chicks three months ago and have been taking very good care of them. We woke up this morning and heard one of the "chickens" crow! Yes, I think it is a rooster. Two other ones look like roosters too. Unfortunately we can not keep them
As new "mother hen" if you will. I feel like I have read just about every chicken rearing book I can get my hands on, but I still have questions. When is the best time to transition them outdoors? They spent 2 weeks in my laundry room and now near
so, now that my girls are in the swing of things, I have 6 hens that are laying...wow that is alot of eggs! Is anyone selling eggs at a farmers market? I have 4 RIR's and 2 Buff's. So, right now I am getting all brown eggs. Hopefully the American
One of my hens is producing a jelly egg very regularly. Probably every time she lays, or close to that. The other three are fine. Any idea on how to fix this?
My cousin has 8 baby chicks a little over a week old that she needs to find a home for. She is only asking $15 for all 8! There are several breeds, some are Ameraucanas. Let me know if you are interested. They are adorable! I can post a picture
Just wanted to let everyone know that The Feed Lot carries ORGANIC CHICKEN FEED. I paid $24.99 for a 50 lb bag. And my girls seem to like it better! Here's their info. Well worth the trip if not in your neck of the woods:
We are moving out of state and are SO sad not to be able to take our well loved hens with us... I'm looking for a GREAT home, not an ok home, or even a good home, but a GREAT home for our girls.
We got our White Leghorn, (Snowy) and Rhode Island Red
My son's classroom is about to start a unit on life cycles and animals. They would like to hatch ducks using incubator in the classroom. All ducks have homes to go to afterwards. Would someone supply me with a dozen eggs that are fertile?
Could I keep a goat in Phoenix? My dad's goat had 2 girl kids while I was visiting IN and they were so cute. One rolled out of the pen onto the barn floor (it was cold in IN) and it couldn't stand, so I had to bottle feed it the first day. Dad was
I went on one of the permaculture home tours last year, and they had a tank of water with little tiny fish that supposedly can eat a TON of mosquitos. Does anyone know what kind they are? Where someone can get them?
It seems one of my hens has started to crow. Since we are in Tempe I can't have a crowing hen. Does anyone have tips on how to make her stop crowing? I tried a stern talking to but that did not work.