welcome to the guild! ah... oregon... I think about moving back... :)
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Phoenix, AZ
October 27
About Me:
I grew up on a small farm outside Portland, Oregon & swore I never wanted to live in the country again. Now that I live in the city, I crave the "green" life I once lived :)
My 3 year old Rhode Island Red seems a bit off these days - the following symptoms may be a coincidence (even a little silly) but my gut tells me something isnt right. She started sleeping on a lower roost a month ago. In the last week or two…
"Now that you brought this to my attention, some hens I just added to the flock have the same thing going on. I thought their feathers were dull from being older. I'll be dusting them soon. Let me know if your treatment works. The new hens have…"
"I agree with Zach that they probably have either poultry lice or mites. I have treated this in my hens by generously dusting them in food grade diatomatious earth. I have found the easiest way to do this is to put a cup of DE into an old knee high…"
"Zachary is right about the light. We have a fluorescent on ours from 4am on, so they're getting about 11.5 hours of light. We added the light about 3 weeks ago and went from an average of 4 eggs/day to 7 from our 9 hens. 7 is pretty much full…"
"Don't freak out, but you should look up poultry lice symptoms. Then inspect your birds to rule it out. If it seems to be poultry lice, then spend some time figuring out what the best course of treatment will be. Until then, it could just be part…"
we have four hens approx 2 yrs old. they've had white flakes (like dandruff) all over their bodies for approx a month. any ideas?also, we've only gotten 2 eggs in the past 3 weeks. I know production slows during winter but from 2-3 a day to 2-3 a…
"Wow, sorry to hear about your hen.
It is sadly bizarre- we also lost our 6 month old Ameraucana this week. I noticed that she seemed a little distressed on Monday evening (thought it was maybe from the heat). On Tuesday when I got home from work,…"
We lost an EE over the summer also. She was always a little weird about where she laid her egg. She would sometimes just plop it down anywhere including right in the middle of the coop. She was about 7 months old when she died. She died…"
"It sounded like she was sighing with every exhale. It didn't sound raspy, rattling or congested. She was inhaling & exhaling with an open beak similar to her hot weather breathing minus the "sigh". She didn't seem stressed or lethargic-was still…"
"I'm sorry about your hen! A young Ameraucana/easter egger should lay at least 4 a week, so you a probably right that she never laid. I'm beginning to wonder about them in general as I have seen several other people with problems like this. Maybe…"
One of my Ameraucana's was breathing heavily yesterday with a soft audible sound. She was still eating, drinking and being social so I kept an eye on her but didn't worry to much about it. Sadly, I found her dead in the coop this morning. She was…
"Hi Margot,
It was great meeting you at your school last week. Your school garden, and your energy, have inspired me to get more involved! Let's get together over coffee and brainstorm for future activities and volunteer opportunites. :)-Brooke