"How old are they? Sometimes it is possible to jump start them into laying again by a change in diet. I have a 8 year old silkei who still lays regularly, as well as a 6 or 7 year old bantam true araucana who still lays occasionally. And neither of…"
"I thought so, but personally I have no interest in slaughtering and cleaning them and they really lost a lot of charm when they quit laying.... If you know anyone who would like to eat them please let them know!"
I have an assortment of hens that dont lay very much any more. If anyone can use them in any way please call me at 602-565-4848. What do we do with old hens? Do most people eat them, or just keep them, or ?
One of my "hens" turned into a rooster. He/she is a black Australorp about five months old, very pretty, nice, but loud. I cant keep him, he would be a good pet, or dinner? You can call me at 602-565-4848. Thanks! Lyndasleepy.JPG
"Yes, the past two days I have had a hawk poking around my chickens. I live in Cave Creek and let my birds range during the daytime. They do have lots of cover and I put them in at night, but it makes me nervous. They have not struck yet. Will be…"
"I remember in my plant physiology class that plants will react to vigorous movement by growing stronger and more stable. But it would be cool to know that they produce more fruit because of it too!"
I learned tomatos stop producing when it gets over 90 degrees. They may come back later, if you've taken care of them during the heat and continue to water. Since your are producing flowers and such I would give them a chance. Mine are growing,…"
Hi All, glad to have a NE discussion group! I have a mixture of tomato plants that all stopped producing tomatoes about 2 months ago. Some continue to bloom and grow. And they seem like they are "trying" to get going again. I dont know which are…
"Can you post a picture of this chick? Does she have a normal crop in the front of her neck/chest in addition to this lump? Sorry to not be much of a help right now. I would also post something in the forums at backyardchickens.com if you haven't…"
I have three month old Australorps from Pratts. One has not grown well and appears to have a "bubble" behing her neck that sometimes fills with food. She must have some kind of congenative deformation or something? What do I do with her? Will she…
"Yeah, not nice, and unusual for birds that are not crowded or stressed. They are healing up nicely, though. My next challenge will be to integrate the older birds with my new Australorps!"
"I think you are right, because once I got rid of the problem birds the others have been fine. I do think this breed has more of the propensity to cannibalize, though.
Thanks for your reply."
"We bought our 2 Americaunas, 2 Production Reds, and 2 Barred Rocks from the Stock shop, when they were just a few days old, around Valentine's day, and haven't had any problem with any cannibalism...I think it depends on the individual chickens-…"
"Thanks Myron, I found an interesting article on the internet about this issue. This author does think the Production Reds are very cannibalistic. I think in my flock the hot weather and brightness helped make this problem. Anyway, I did take back…"