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my chickens are attacking each other

3 of my chickens are "attacking" one of the other girls.  They've never done this before and I'm really worried that she'll get hurt.  They're all running after the 4th chicken and pulling on her neck, trying to jump on her.  It definitely sounds lik

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19 Replies

Eating Feathers??

My pullets are 12 weeks old and I've noticed a lot of feathers around, and the chickens actually eating quite a few.  They also seem to be pretty "flaky".  We are still not used to the dry climate out here so I thought that they might just have dry s

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2 Replies

Ants in the Chicken Feed

Does anyone have an idea on how to keep ants out of the chicken's feed in the coop?  I don't think the chickens are eating the ants, and I wish they would!  Anyway, I don't want to spray around the chicken's food.  Any suggestions would be appreciate

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2010 Fall Meat Bird Group Order

I saw that people began responding to last years meat bird order so I thought I would make a new post with updated info for a fall 2010 order.

I will be ordering cornish cross broilers from Welp hatchery this fall, probably in mid-september. These bir

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28 Replies

Do I need a brooder?


This may have been talked about someplace else on the forum, but I have not found it yet.  My question is this-

I am hatching chicks as we speak in our incubator.  This is not new.  We have hatched dozens of chicken, turkey and duck eggs over the y

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Oh the joy of 2 newly hatched ducklings! My sweet Domino, a Magpie, has been feverously broody all the month of May and behold!..... I went to turn the coop A/C off last Thursday evening and I made my discovery.


I am thinking my black Runner, James,

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Adult ducks looking for new home

I have three beautiful ducks that are looking for a new home. I am forced to reduce the size of my flock and I have chosen 2 lovely ladies and a handsome male. Pictures can be provided via cell phone.


The first is a nice sized black, male Runner by t

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How to get hen to accept chicks

We had a broody hen that sat on 4 eggs. On Weds afternoon 2 hatched. Babies seemed fine but then yesterday one just suddenly died.


I don't want to raise just one chick because I am concerned it won't be accepted by the other hens & lonely so I bought

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