Friends need to sell their hens

Hey everyone.  Friends of ours have decided they are going to sell their hens.  There's 4 Red Naked-Necks, 1 Brown Naked Neck, 4 New Hampshire Reds and 4 Easter Eggers... They just started laying and they're priced at $15 a bird.  

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  • I would love to get 2 if there are any still available. I can come out tomorrow and pick them up.
    • Still have the naked necks (Turkens) and the NH Reds. Any time tomorrow afternoon would be fine.
  • Kelly got two of the EEs, still need homes for the rest of the girls~
  • Yes, she is. Her eggs aren't as dark as they can be. But they are fun. Most of the time they are speckled.
  • I can come tomorrow morning after I drop my son off at school at 8:30. What should I bring to take them home with me?
    • A small dog crate would be ideal, but a box will work too if you're headed straight home. If I had one of the disposable kitty kennels I'd send them in that for you.
    • I will hit petsmart today for a good carrier for them. I will bring a check for $30 for the 2 Easter Eggers. Who should I make it out to?

      I am really excited. One of our hens (a Rhode Island Red) died a few weeks ago. I have another easter egger, but she lays a brown egg. I am hoping that one of these gals gives me a green egg. :) They will be coming to a great home! I have 3 other hens (a barred rock, an easter egger, and a Welsummer). They will fit right in I am sure.
    • Awesome. Let me find out on the check. We've got a few welsummers too! They're laying dark speckled eggs. Think next round of chicks we get, we'll be getting barnvelders. Hopefully I can get some of our blue laced red wyandottes eggs into an incubator soon.
    • You can email me at to send me your address if you would like.
    • Sending it now :)
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