The maricopa county Island has forced me to give up all my birds. They say poultry of any kind are farm animals and since I don't fall under the laws of Mesa or Apache Junction I can't have farm animals since I'm not a commercial farm.
I am looking at a house in the Encanto neighborhood and I'm wondering if anyone knows if there are people in the area who keep chickens. I know that you have to get permission from the neighbors but was just wondering if anyone knows if t
Phoenix Magazine has contacted us to see if we can find two or three folks in the east valley (i.e. Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, Mesa) they can talk to about raising chickens in an urban area. They will be including an article about urban
Hello all!! I am so excited because this weekend I am getting 4 chickens for the first time!!! Chicken cook is done. I am looking for a place where I can buy 4 grown chickens... may be a few months old.
My beautiful bantam Mille Fleur Cochin rooster has a serious attitude problem! He is sooo sweet to me and the kids, but can't figure out how to be a gentleman with the ladies. After he was done with my favorite hen she was dripping blood from her he
Anyone have any experience in setting up misting systems for livestock? We have some nigerian dwarf goats and chickens that would appreciate the extra cooling as the summer heat is on coming.Thanks Dave
Woops, we've got a rooster in our flock! He has started showing his true colors the last few mornings with some fine serenading. We got them from Gordens 3-20-11 so they're about 7 weeks. I think he is supose to be an Ameracana[hope I spelt it rite].
The sparrows/finches/small birds eat the loose feed from a feeder way too fast. The seed bells/balls that you can buy at the grocery store are kind of pricey. We have been looking for a 'recipe' on the internet but don't want to do suet as a base in
i have been invited to partake in a gathering in tuba city with close friends and their family. i have repeatedly expressed interest to them in being taught how to "process" sheep. it will be my duty to initially kill the sheep. i am looking for s
This morning I noticed watery yellow diarrhea in the feeding dish and thought that a chicken might have broken an egg but I noticed that the yellow material had the white splatter that you usually get on top of normal looking bowel movements. I did
3rd litter was just born last nigh and has 6 beautiful black kits in the litter. We will be selling most all of the kits (perhaps keeping one per litter as replacement does) with the rest being sold either for show or meat breeders. If you're wanting
We are thinking of taking off for the Memorial Day weekend, Thur May 26 thru Monday May 30. We have 7 chickens and would like someone to check on them, let them out in the a.m. and make sure they are in at night. Just wondering if someo
My DD threw away the instruction sheet for installing a fan kit into the LG Incubator. Does anyone have a set of instructions or a link to information or a video or anything that will show me how to install this thing? Eggs available, searching eve
A blog I read posted a great little primer on dairy goats. A lot of important information here, especially for those of you that have been curious, but don't know too much about the ins and outs of keeping goats.
I don't know what I should do about this situation. I, like many others, am just an urban chicken farmer and I don't have a rooster so there is nothing for them to hatch and they are not laying now. Please advise on what to do!Thanks everyoneTina D.
Hey, there's no eggs under this big hen for weeks now. Cindy gets a little scoot off the nest at least 1x per day, is eating and drinking and pooping. She is encouraged to come outside with the other girls for at least an hour a day--more on the week