All Discussions (933)

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Sheep vs. Goats

This is long term planning. We won't be getting sheep soon but I'm curious. I've read information here about goats but nothing about sheep. Considering we like lamb better than goat, and that sheep's milk makes great cheese, plus the wool... and the

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7 Replies

Losing Feathers!!!

My chickens have been losing feathers lately...a lot. I have dusted them etc, and other than laying a lot less, there seem to be no other problems. Even tail feathers are laying around.  Is this due to the heat?  Thanks for any input :)


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Goat stud service

I'm considering getting started with goats a few months down the road.  Anyone know of a stud service available in the valley?  I plan on getting two good milking does, and then breeding to a good meat goat (Boer?) for the freshenings.  My idea is to

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new to chickens

My family has been very happy to have four out of five hens laying, starting in July, but since this is a new endeavor for us we have a couple of questions. Why isn't our americauna laying? She's the one we were most excited about and is the oldest a

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no eggs

I was down to only 9 birds in my coop -- 8 layers (RIReds and barred rocks) and a roo, and saw an opportunity to acquire 9 more birds (eight 4 month old pullets -- RIReds and 2 Araucanas -- and a one year old Jersey Giant).This was exactly one month

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5 Replies

Anyone have a small sheep flock?

Hello Everyone,


Is there anyone in the East Valley who has a small sheep flock (or knows someone with one) they would like to have on fresh pasture for a little while?  I have about 1 acre of land I am developing into a pasture that I think I would l

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Rabbit class?

I thought I would start this as a separate thread from my earlier posting.

Here's what I know about rabbits: The manure is fantastic and can be immediately applied to the garden without burning your plants. Many breeds are highly efficient producers o

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10 Replies

Some questions about rabbits

I'd like to branch out from just being the "chicken lady" ;) and hear about rabbits from some experienced people out there. I had a pet rabbit for about 12 years as a kid, but he was an indoor rabbit, and I remember feeding and watering him... and th

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19 Replies

Free Peacocks

A friend of mine is downsizing and has adult male and female as well as baby peacocks available free to good homes.  There are 4 babies and they appear to be 2-3 months old (about the size of a medium-sized chicken).  If you or anyone you know are in

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Baby Chick Special

My Pet Chicken is having a sale and I ordered the min of 25.

I ordered the special and they will be coming next week. I can keep them in my brooder section of the chicken house but I don't need 25. 8-10 would be fine with me but I don't need a herd ri

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