My Plymouth Barred Rock will be 2 years old in May. she stopped laying for the first time about a month ago. The molting seems to be complete. Over the past couple of months, her weight has halved, from 5 pounds to 2.5 pounds. she was never a sup
My 20 year old son was showing one of his friends the hens--which are on the west side of the house in back. He had locked the pool gate & bungie chorded around the gate, but not left the dogs inside (JRT, corgie, lab/pit mix). Selective listening an
Some very lazy bees are hogging the humming bird feeders in the back yard. The hummers zoom by, assess the situation and then leave. Anyone have a remedy for this?
Hello all, I am wanting to plant a large shade tree on the south side of the house to help give shade to my chickens in the summer. I would like a desert adapted fast growing tree. It would be specially nice if it gave seeds, fruit etc.....that the c
I am looking to purchase organic eggs from a local micro livestock farmer. Preferably the chickens are not fed any soy or corn. Due to recent health complications I'm having to integrate animal products back into my diet, so I want to make
My friend, Ryan Peterson still has 7 peacocks that need to be re-homed. It is my understanding there are 4 males and 3 females. They do not all have to go together, but the more that can stay together, the better. If you or anyone you know would l
As I clear my head and prepare for yet another summer season with my chickens, I am reminded of my frustrations last summer and am determined to try to make life for all... a little better. The kids and I are very frustrated with our water situation.
I have 3 chickens and I hear they are good to keep tick population down. I plan on using them to attack a potential tick problem we might have by letting them roam around the yard. I have only found one tick on my dog but I'm not taking any chances
Ok, I confess, I am a newbie chicken owner (mine are 8 months old).
We get colder here than in Phoenix, and I am a bit overprotective of my girls. :) I have put a small heater in their coop for evening, but during the day they want to be out in the p
I bought 2 new hens a little over 2 weeks ago. We kept the new girls in the garage a few days, then move them with a separate water & food supply in a cardboard box. (It had been for a 2 drawer file cabinet. I laid it lengthwise, taped the ends shut,
This is the first time I've lived in a neighborhood with a lot of cats, some probably feral and some indoor/outdoor cats. Will they attack my hen when she's free in the yard? I've seen one cat come into our yard in the day light,, although our hen wa
With this cold streak keep an eye out on your girls!! We live near 32nd St and Shea and have never had an issue with coyotes for over 5 years. I guess with this cold streak the rabbits and quail have bunkered down so the coyotes are getting despera
Hello, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I have a friend whose in a bind, he has few chickens and two small mini goats on his property. I hear the Phoenix law is that if you have an under 10,000 sqft lot, then you must hav
I was just looking in to something I found here about a natural tick solution via the garden guy. I'm very interested because ticks are a big problem for us with our dogs BUT we have chickens. If I spread nematodes in my yard am I going to give my ch
I've been reading here and there on the site about a class for newbie's like me and am wondering when and where it is being held. I am just beginning my organic garden and want to include chickens as a part of a permaculture enviornment.
I have a brooder with 11, 4-5week old chicks. They are doing great so far, but I have noticed that they are eating some of the shredded newspaper bedding. Does anyone know if this is harmful?