All Discussions (933)

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My Buff Orp is a little over a year and has started to molt.  I read up a little on it and most sites mentioned that they molt mostly in the fall or when the light starts decreasing.  


Is it safe for her to molt in this HEAT?  I'm worried that she mi

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sick chick?

Hello Everyone,


A few weeks ago I purchased my first chicks and ducklings.  I have been avidly reading the posts of others here and now need to ask a question.  When I went to check on my ducklings and chicks (about 3 weeks old) in the brooder (in a

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9 Replies

Dying Chicken Mystery

This is a double post / cross post but I couldn't figure out how to post here last night so I appologize.


Last year I lost most of my flock and thought it was disease, then decided it could have been a poisoned mouse or potato peel because at the tim

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20 Replies

Paper thin shelled eggs....

As it has been getting hotter, my girls egg shells have been getting thinner??? This is the first summer they have been laying, but all Fall & problem.  Is it just the heat or something else?  When I first noticed it I put out  oyster she

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5 Replies

confused bunny

I have a black rabbit living in my backyard with my chickens. He has "takin a shine" to my Polish hen. He follows her everywhere, chases off the other hens when they start to pick on her, and occasionaly will try to have his way with her!!!!! Is this

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Americauna Chicks

I have 3 rather nice Wheaton/Blue Wheaton Americauna cockerels aged 8 weeks that need a home, and 5 two week old chicks W/BW Americaunas (not sexed) that need a home too. 4 of the little ones may be olive eggers, one is purebred Americauna. All have

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Dead chicken... cause? heat?

I just went out to check on my chickens and noticed that only 1 chicken was on the roosting bar. I found that incredibly odd since they've always all been on the bar at night. I grabbed a flashlight to look around and found the 2nd hen in a nesting b

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6 Replies

Free pullets to good home

I have 4 chicks or pullets (don't know when they are classified as pullets) to give to a good home.  Barred Plymouth Rock,  Red and Black Links, Ameracauna.  All should be good layers.  They are almost 5 weeks old.  Just don't have room for all of th

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I have a five month old Americana rooster. He is a beauty, but I am not interested in keeping him. If anyone is interested in taking him, please contact me at I can provide pictures.

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Hens need homes

If you didn't see it on the Sale Board, I need to find homes for a good number of hens!  Easter Eggers, Wyandottes (Silver Laced, Blue Laced Red, Splash Blue Laced Red and a couple of young Gold Laced), Australorps, Iowa Blues, Rhode Island Reds... $

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26 Replies

Death of an Columbian Wyandotte

This morning my husband I are were crushed to learn that our 4.5 month old Columbian Wyandotte had died last night due to what we think was heat exhaustion.  We have two other chickens, RR and Buff, same age.  We would like to get two more chicke

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8 Replies

Chickens aren't laying...

Hi Everyone...


I have 10 pullets... hatched 1/5/2011 which makes them all 23 weeks old. They are barred rocks and RIRs. All are being fed a layer feed, have access to cool water 24/7. Plenty of shade, 3 nesting boxes (which they won't use), etc... Al

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Nigerian doelings for sale


Born 2/7/11

Black and White with Blue eyes Disbudded

Sire: Blunderosa's Flying Goat Casanova by Praire Wood Huckleberry out of Praire Wood Bella

Dam: Red Lotus TH Paradise Kiss by Sugar Creek NS Thistle*S out of Red Lotus Madame Butterfly





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