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5pm just went out to see the girls and this is what I found (see attached pictures).  What is up with her?  I plan to wash her off with some mild soap and warm water.  But should I be doing or looking for something else?  She seems fine (as I just fo

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8 Replies

Sick Baby Chick

Hi, I am new to this site and chickens.  I purchased a baby chick from a local feed shop last week.  I looked over the chick before purchasing it and it seemed fine, but it was very loud in the shop.  When we were on the way home we noticed it had a

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6 Replies

One Free Healthy Egg Layer

We just got 3 one-month old chicks to keep our only hen, Blacky, company, but the little ones seem to be uneasy with her.  We had to keep Blacky out of the coop and chicken run to let the little ones grow, but Blacky doesn't like that either.  

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11 Replies

sick or hurt chicken

My family is new to backyard chickens.  We have 7, 4 are 14 weeks, 3 are 11 weeks.  One of our 14 weeks is a rhode island red, and was running around like normal all day today.  I went to put them in their enclosure when we were leaving to go out and

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21 Replies

Feed storage???

It's getting a bit cramped in my laundry room with a 50lb container of chicken feed.  I had been told to store my chicken feed only in a dry climate controlled area for best freshness and quality. Does anyone else out there do this or am I  the only

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23 Replies

chicken not leaving nesting box

My 7 month old leghorn has been sitting in the nesting box since around 4:00 p.m. yesterday. She did not come out for 'outside time' with the other girls, she did not run out to get the fresh cabbage when the other girls went back into the coop. She

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6 Replies

Cross Beak EE Chick

One of my 2 week old EE chicks has developed a cross beak.  She is growing at the same rate as the others right now so I know she's eating and drinking.  I assume the best thing would be to cull her, correct?  I'm concerned that the beak will continu

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5 Replies

Help! I think I have a Roo

So I thought I had four beautiful hens well anyway I noticed my Barred rock hen always seamed a bit larger and some what of a bully with the others but I just figured she is big boned.  Yesturday I picked my Barred Rock and I noticed that she is grow

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9 Replies

Sick Hen

Hey everyone,

I'm new here and am just looking for a little advice. My hen has been sick for about 2 days (that I've noticed). I think it may be constipation of some sort. She hasn't been laying for a while now and I'm guessing she's a few years old.

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9 Replies