broody still broody since 3/24, no eggs

Hey, there's no eggs under this big hen for weeks now. Cindy gets a little scoot off the nest at least 1x per day, is eating and drinking and pooping. She is encouraged to come outside with the other girls for at least an hour a day--more on the weekends. When out she runs around, scratches, eats bugs and weeds like the others. But no eggs. And often she hangs out by the closed coop and kind of fusses to get back in. She will be  a year in August, was laying some nice big eggs-- about 5 a week. What do you think?

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  • Cindy is (from pictures I've seen) a leghorn. She is really pretty with the bright red crop and wattle and those side things that flap around. She's very fluffy and big and her eggs are a lighter color and are bigger, a little different shape than the iridescent black hen (an astrolorp?) and the two red heads (cannot recall what they are). So, nope-- we are sure she is not laying. She is the biggest of the 4 and she commands the lower nesting box so the other three have to take turns. This is a funny hen, who likes to run and chase the sparrows and does barrel rolls in a pit the dog had dug in the back yard. Thanks for your updates. We'll just wait it out.



  • Broodiness can last for a month or so with a determined hen. Even after they come out of it it can be several days before they resume laying, it can be annoying, but this isn't anything to worry about. Hope she comes out of it soon!
  •  Is she a different breed than the rest of your hens? Are you sure she's not laying? If she's staying on the nest maybe she's gone broody? I put mine in a small wire cage with food, water and a piece of 2x4 roost secured with screws through the sides. I keep the cage in the coop and run with the others and after about 3 days they're no longer broody and are released :) I was told their body temperature needs to drop for a while and they snap out of it. Best of luck!
  • What type of chicken is Cindy?
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