All Discussions (933)

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Should I Clip Wings?

We have four 8 week old chicks (pullets?), 1 Ameraucana, 1 Production Red, 1 Cuckoo Maran and 1 Black Australorp. Since they're fully feathered, we have them outside in a shelter/run now, but also let them free range some in the yard. I've heard that

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help building chicken shelter

Hi all. Don't know how to ask...I need help building a shelter or roof over my chicken enclosure. I have arthritis and a back injury so am having difficulty building a frame for a henhouse or drilling into the block wall to attach a cover. I need a v

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Green beans and chickens

This may be silly but .... my coworker gave me a bag of green beans from her garden (I assume). Should I boil them and give to my hens, leave them raw and chop them up? Open them all up and take out the actual bean? Please advise!

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Egg Cartons and Styrofoam Cooler

I have a stack of egg cartons that I'd like to give away, as well as two styrofoam coolers with ice packs. The coolers comes in handy in the car when grocery shopping during the hot summer months. Two sizes, small and large. Thanks.



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Muscovey ducks for sale

Born the last week in June, these guys are from one drake and 2 hens all non-related.  My best guess is 7 males, 5 females, and 1 don't know.  Three hens are already promised.  I am asking $15 each.  Also hoping to trade 1 drake for 1 drake processed

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Silkies Wanted

Hello -

I have received the VPA newsletter for a while and recently joined the board and I love all the info you can find here.  We have a small flock of hens in Scottsdale and we'd love to add some Silkies to our group.  Does anyone know where we can

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Silkie Chick Strange Behavior?

OK...I'm new to having chickens and just bought 5 chicks, including 1 Silkie (sex ?). The Silkie is the only Bantam. Except for the fact that I have to keep washing it's behind because of stuck on poo (why does this happen only to the Silkie?), it se

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Excessively loud Welsummers

I have 5 girls - two Barred Rocks, one Ameraucana, two Welsummers.  The Barred Rocks are the sweetest chickens I have ever had, the Ameraucana is mellow but the Welsummers scream!  They just started laying but don't scream when they lay, just the ent

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