Thank you for choosing to join the Valley Permaculture Alliance, a local 501C3 non-profit education organization that offers classes, training, activities, tours, events and demonstrations on various aspects of sustainable living around the Greater Phoenix Valley. You can read more about the VPA on the ‘About Us’ page, sign up for our newsletter, and explore the many groups and resources this Ning “social networking site” has to offer, as well as customize your own Profile Page and connect with new like-minded friends.
You’re encouraged to browse the discussions, blogs, videos, comments to get a feel for our incredibly resourceful community, and to share your interests as well. There are many volunteer opportunities to assist with classes and events, so please let me know if you are interested in helping out when available.
We offer a variety of classes to our members on requested fee basis ($15 or more) that goes toward venue hard-costs, also to our experienced and knowledgeable instructors, as well as to support the non-profit in providing quality education for improving our health, our communities and environment. See what classes you may be interested in attending by clicking our events tab, and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Welcome to the VPA!
Stacey Lillebo
Outreach Coordinator
This reply was deleted.
Peoria, AZ
May 31
About Me:
retired 1 yr ago, married, love to cook, rehab furniture, do genealogy research
"Hi all, I just wanted to share that I found the coopsnmore feeder on eBay. Kristin, I couldn't open that link so wonder if they moved to eBay. It's a nice feeder, worth the price."
"Do you still need a home for your extra rooster? If so I may have someone who'll take him. He replied to my craigslist ad looking for a home for my rooster, but I'd just given it to someone else. He said he has a home in Prescott with chickens and…"
Help!! Our 4 1/2 month old Production Red "hen" is suddenly morphing into a rooster and unfortunately we can't keep him. We hand raised from a chick, so he's sweet tempered and friendly. He's been with 3 other hens and is cooped at night but free…
"I sold several roosters to two people. One was FFA. I think he has what he needs. The other needed lunch. I found both through craigslist. I still have a spare rooster, identical to the one above. If someone wants him, hes free to a good home, not a…"
"I'm afraid you're right. We had more attempts to crow this morning. Your photo of your production red pullet is exactly what ours has looked like, and so we assumed we got lucky and had all hens. In the past 2 weeks things have changed dramatically.…"
"Sorry, I'm pretty sure that's a rooster. Especially if the comb and wattles have been growing for awhile. At 4 1/2 months a pullet's comb might just be starting to turn red.
Also, those iridescent black tail feathers, the pointy red feathers near…"
"Here's a good one of a rooster we recently sold. My eye says it's a rooster. I'm not convinced the sexing is 99% accurate. More like 90%. Notice the large comb in addition to the green tail. Plus the neck puffing is a strictly rooster behavior. The…"
"Technically my HOA doesn't say I CAN'T have chickens. It says that "pets" can be kept in reasonable amounts as long as neighbors don't complain, they aren't a nuisance or health issue. So, unless a neighbor complains, I think I'm good. Yes, they can…"
"It looks just like my Rhode Island Reds minus the black tail. They have quite large crop and waddle. I recently introduced some chicks and saw my RR hens acting like you described above, jumping sticking their feet out and puffing their necks. They…"
I have 4 chickens that we bought as chicks (not straight run) and are now 4 1/2 months old. I was sure we had all hens...until today. We have one production red that I bought as a sexed chick who has been developing a red comb and waddle for quite a…
"I don't have any experience with the type of injury your chicken has, but one of our hens did have a severe injury to both of her feet about 5 weeks ago. Her feet were pinned under the frame of the chicken coop when we moved it. They were badly…"
"Oh, I'm with you... at my wit's end with the "little birds." The doggone chickens don't defend their feed... I'm going broke feeding the little ones! There are so many hanging around, I'm starting to feel like the prelude to Hitchcock's horror…"
Thank you for choosing to join the Valley Permaculture Alliance, a local 501C3 non-profit education organization that offers classes, training, activities, tours, events and demonstrations on various aspects of sustainable living around the Greater Phoenix Valley. You can read more about the VPA on the ‘About Us’ page, sign up for our newsletter, and explore the many groups and resources this Ning “social networking site” has to offer, as well as customize your own Profile Page and connect with new like-minded friends.
You’re encouraged to browse the discussions, blogs, videos, comments to get a feel for our incredibly resourceful community, and to share your interests as well. There are many volunteer opportunities to assist with classes and events, so please let me know if you are interested in helping out when available.
We offer a variety of classes to our members on requested fee basis ($15 or more) that goes toward venue hard-costs, also to our experienced and knowledgeable instructors, as well as to support the non-profit in providing quality education for improving our health, our communities and environment. See what classes you may be interested in attending by clicking our events tab, and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Welcome to the VPA!
Stacey Lillebo
Outreach Coordinator