I recently posted about my fence rollers in a response to a coyote attack message (to keep dogs in and coyotes/dogs out). I thought I would explain how I did my DIY version for those who are interested.
My kid goes to half day kindergarten. All of the full day classes will get incubators and automatic turners for their classes, but the 1/2 day kindergartners don't get anything. I have a homemade styrafoam incubator that works great, but since we can
I'm a new chicken keeper. I got three Americauna chicks locally when they were three days old. They are now eight weeks old. Over the last week or so I started questioning whether one might be a rooster. This chick is different in all ways from t
We will be incubating ducks eggs soon, we do want to increase our flock but will have ducklings to sell. We will be willing to brood them if needed and deliver them when they are ready to be outside. Or we can call and 2 day old ducklings can be pick
Hope someone can help. Some of my chickens, not all, have raw necks under their beak or gullet. At first I thought it might be molting, but no. Then thought it might be that they are rubbing up against something in the coop. They are not sick, n
We have come upon an opportunity to provide more Pastured Grass-Fed Beef for our March 1st availability date. This is Angus beef raised and processed in Arizona. They have not received any antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. To make this available, w
If anyone missed out on the last beef sale for whatever reason, I am happy to announce we are preparing for another beef delivery on April 4th. This is Grass Fed, Pastured Angus Beef. We do not use a feed lot to finish the cows on dead grass. We have
I have 2 Australorp hens, 3 months old that I need to re-home. They are good girls but I need chickens that are more adept at flying. I am in Chandler.
My friend Kathy in Apache Junction has buckling kids for sale. I've been out for a 'goat fix' and they are darling as usual. Kathy takes very good care of her goats.
I got three chicks that were three days old back in November. One turned out to be a rooster and I would love to find a home for him that isn't the stew pot. I can't have him in my community--he is an Americauna, about 11 weeks old, silver, black a
Hey all, I'm looking to add some Cream Legbars to my flock and am putting in an order to Greenfire Farms to ship in the next few weeks. I'm not quite up to the minimum number, so does anyone want to pick up a few rare birds? They have true Swedish Fl
I would like to start raising worms for composting. Does any one have a handful that I can start with?I also have a couple of silkie polish hens with smooth feather for sale for $10 ea. They just started laying and are really cute.
We are having a few issues in my flock of 10 hens. 1st issue that has been happening for awhile is feather plucking. I spoke to the feed store today and they recommended switching to start and grow for added protein, changing scratch to a mix of fe
As part of our pasture restoration program, we are using raw skim milk. This means we have some cream which needs to be put to good use. Does anyone have a butter churn we could use in exchange for some of the butter? Or is there a good place to buy
Wondering if anyone has or knows anyone with a nice stud? My girl is a hair sheep and ready to tango. I'm located in new river area. I can also be reached by 480-593-3172 Chris thank you !
Help!! Our 4 1/2 month old Production Red "hen" is suddenly morphing into a rooster and unfortunately we can't keep him. We hand raised from a chick, so he's sweet tempered and friendly. He's been with 3 other hens and is cooped at night but free ran
Our hens are giving us an abundance of eggs. We are selling them for $3/doz. We are near Southern and 99th Ave. On Friday, and most Thursdays, we are in Tempe, near Southern and Mill. We can meet you there if we know in advance how many dozen you wan
In another week or so, I should have a small clutch of welsh harlequin ducklings. I am hoping for 4, but I won't count my ducklings before they are hatched. They are under a mama muscovy, but the eggs came from my flock of Holderreads Welsh Harlequin