It's freaking me out at bit so I'm here to make sure it's not a problem. I've been checking on our chickens at night and they are not bedded down. This isn't early evening either more like 9 or 10pm and some are roosting but others are drinking, eati
Okay we are looking into free ranging our girls in the evening for a few hours while the dogs are locking in the house, however I am concerned about some of our weeds. I know for a fact that we have silver leafed nightshade. We have been trying to ge
I have been buying USDA organic layer pellets at Aden's Hay Oasis. They recently made a change to no longer carry that bag only the "organically grown" feed. It is not USDA organic so my assumption is that is is genetically modified corn products gro
Took our chances and hatched some eggs-7 in all- and ended up with 5 roosters ( I think). 3 of them have started to crow, and while the neighbors haven't complained yet, I know it's just a matter of time. They are 2 1/2 months old and VERY
Okay I know each hen will reach maturity in her own time but I have four hens all about the same age and one is not laying, the other three are. Now the one who isn't laying is at the bottom of the pecking order, I think she might even be bellow the
The Tour de Coops committee is short-handed and could really use a few more volunteers to come share ideas and help make this year's tour, in November, the best ever!!!
I don't know why my neighbors haven't complained, they are driving me nuts! They are so loud, all the time. I am open to suggestions, boarding, trade, butcher and share...
These are Nigerian dwarf bucklings, around 4 months old, well bred but not pa
We have four hens. Sunday morning we found one of our hens (about 2 years old) under a bush laying flat with her legs straight out behind her. We thought she was dead but she was breathing. Her face was covered with ants and there was a membrane over
Our community has taught me so much and been a continuing support and inspiration as I continue to experiment. I have had personal contact with many wonderful folks from here. I need your help please with a problem I am having. In September of 2011,
I've been thinking about a rooster, but I really know nothing about doing that. There are plenty in my neighborhood, but my big question is, what would be a good one to get if I did?
Just finished a new feeder for my third coop section. The section for this feeder has 28 chickens, and 7 turkeys. These 35 birds are going through about 250 lbs of feed per month. At what point does it cease to be micro? Am I now a mini farm?
On Craigslist there is a listing for some chickens for sale that are broody with eggs and one that has babies. I would like to add to my flock but don't really want to have the extra responsibility of having "chicks" in my house. How would I add a
I'm at the end of my rope trying to figure out why I've lost two hens, both Ameraucanas, in the past couple of months... I'm looking for a low-cost necropsy option so I can get to the bottom of this mystery. Anyone have any recommendations?
I am overrun with black ants. They are taking over the garden, chicken run, and coming in my house. I have tried DE without much success and my chickens appear to not want to eat the ants. What can I use to stop the ants in there tracks that won't
I have a welsummer that is noisy. I believe she was meant to be a rooster, lays dark brown eggs and is friendly. In October she will be 2 years old. I just can't have a noisy bird for obvious reasons. Crows some times. Location: 55th ave and Greenway
Little kitties need a good home. These cuties are about 10 weeks old. They were born in the neighborhood. Their living area is temporary so it is urgent that we find them a home. Please contact. Thank you!