OK...I'm new to having chickens and just bought 5 chicks, including 1 Silkie (sex ?). The Silkie is the only Bantam. Except for the fact that I have to keep washing it's behind because of stuck on poo (why does this happen only to the Silkie?), it seems healthy, active and happy. However it also doesn't seem to want to fit in with the other chicks, especially when sleeping. It usually sleeps alone and in very strange positions, like standing up, leaning forward, with it's head resting on the bottom of the pen or on it's side with it's wings spread out...I swear I thought it was dead a couple of times! Do all Silkies act this way or is it just a strange acting chick?
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Cindy, I assume these are young chicks that aren't feathered out yet? Young chicks do tend to sleep in strange positions, just as you describe. The fact that the other chicks aren't doing that is the odd thing, unless they're older and stronger than the silkie.
As they mature, chicks get stronger neck and leg muscles, so they're able to hold themselves up when sleeping. So as long as she is acting fine in other ways, I wouldn't worry about it. Now, if she does this after she feathers out, you have a strange chick! :)
Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure how old the Silkie is. I've only had them since Monday. I purchased them all at the same time, but the Silkie was the only Bantam and the clerk didn't know how old it was. He said the others were about 2 weeks old since they'd been at the store about 10 days and were only a few days old when they got them. The Silkie definitely appears to be less feathered out than the others, with feathers visible only at the tips of the wings. The other's wings are almost full feathers, and have little tail feathers too. The Silkie does seem to be a little more clumsy too, and likes to lay under the heat lamp more than the others, so maybe it's not as old. The other chicks just kind of squat or snuggle down in the bedding next to each other to sleep.
Since we're talking chicks, is the poop stuck on it's behind a concern, or is it common with new chicks? I clean it at least once a day, and like I said, the chick seems to be active and happy otherwise. The others don't have this problem.