Roses are still new to me. Moved in October and the roses were already here. My girls (5 of them) love to peck in the raised rose bed, which is fine. However, the roses need fertilizer and I haven't yet trained the girls to poop directly in the be
These are my goats that I just posted on CL. I don't recommend buying unregistered stock, but in this case I have no choice. Registered stock cost the same to care for as unregistered, and they are easier to find homes for at better prices. Lise
We recently acquired a Wyandotte rooster (5-6 months old) and want to add some hens so are educating ourselves about the different breeds and how to best care for chickens. However, a lot of the information is pretty general, does anyone have a recom
My Rhode Island Red has had no feathers on her bum for months. When I first noticed it, in April, I found an infected bump with a stuck feather in it. It has been removed and the area cleaned. No more puss. However it is as if she has a bad sunburn t
My 6 pullets are coming into lay and have become obnoxiously vocal! I'm afraid it is going to disturb the neighbors! We can keep chickens only if we aren't a disturbance. Well they are constantly "crawing" when they see me. It only gets better if I l
I posted this in the Southeast Permies group, but I thought I'd throw the idea out here, too.
I live in the north Gilbert area (Baseline & Greenfield), and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a milk "cow-op." The idea is that we share a mil
So my ladies are getting close to a year old and Rachel was kind enough to give me a name of a doctor for check ups. After reading many forum post about chickens simply dying and not really knowing, I have prepared myself for the fact that one day th
I got my first egg today! What a surprise! It came from my bard rock who is just 4 months old! We know because she sang us a lovely announcement. Unfortunately she laid it in the run where it is a little cooler an slightly darker. I also have a sand
Okay here's the deal. I'm tired of getting pecked, my daughter now won't even go in the chicken run with me because of it. There is one chicken and I think she's the one who is laying right now that attacks us every time we go in. She broke skin on m
Our last slaughter of the year has been moved to July 6th. This will be Grass-fed All-Natural Piedmont beef. As a breed, Piedmonts are known for their extra lean, tender, well marbled beef. Pricing is below. Payment must be received by May 15th to re
I have 7 chickens all 4 1/2 to 5 month (americanas, austalorp,and russian orlaf) and a duck (age unknown). I have been reciving one egg a day for about a month ( a large light brown egg ) today i went out early a found cookie the duck sitting on t
Does anyone know if it is OK to keep a pair of geese in the Phoenix city limits? I am thinking about moving back into Phoenix from Queen Creek, and need to bring rabbits, chickens, a goat and a pair of geese along.
There are a pack of stray dogs and stray cats in the new neighborhood, and in time I'm soon we will have a visit from a fox or coyote, so we want to be prepared. We keep improving our fencing, but it still doesn't seem to be good enough.
I will have 2 Mini Nubian does in milk, 1 buck and 2 doelings available next month. These are great little milkers with very friendly personalities and rich, sweet milk! They are registered with MDGA have excellent milking genetics behind them and a
We're offering another poultry processing class this Saturday the 19th at 9a.m. in North Phoenix at the Feed Barn. The Feed Barn is just South of Dear Valley Road, off the 17.
The class is $20, and you get to take home the organic chicken that you pro
Hello All: We're mixing our 16 week old birds with our "big girls" this weekend. Can I feed a mix of grower and layer feed to the flock these 4 weeks? I understand neither will hurt either group of birds?