Thanks for your willingness to help me out, if it's this Saturday, of course. We can work out the details later, but my main concern was hauling all of the compost that I bought (10 bags). I'll wait and see, but I may be able to put the trees in my car along with possibly a couple bags of compost, enough to get started planting.
I'm so thankful it rained early yesterday because I worked in the yard almost all day. There's a lot more to do, but at least it's starting to come together. BTW, remind me when you come over and you can see if you want any of my seeds.
Shoot, we won't be going to pick up our tree and grapes until a little later. I babysit on Saturday mornings until noon. Maybe we can get there earlier, but I figured it would be about 1:00. Would love to see you. What trees did you order?
Well Marcy, I've been working every spare moment, but I still have more holes to dig. And I'm still removing rock and dirt to bring the high point across the back yard a little lower which is where I want to plant 7 of the trees. I was hoping to have a full weekend of work, but looks like it will rain by 2pm tomorrow. Well, I'd better get out there now and see how much progress I can make.
By the way, I'm not sure if my son will have the van running which I hoped to pick up the trees with. And I was wondering since you'll be at the tree pick up, if you would mind bringing mine to my house when your finished volunteering. Well, either way, hope to see you there!
It's easier than most people think. Next time I teach it though, it might be good to bring some common household utensils that make it easier and show how i clean up some of them.
Lovely garden.. Got more seeds while I was in Texas (texas natives with local relatives...more genes for the Chandler mixing vat.). Hope you had a good week.
Marcy, I was so sorry to miss seeing you, and attending the seed saving class. At the last minute, our babysitter for my granddaughter fell through, and since she's almost 2 I didn't think she could sit through the classes without disrupting, so I decided to go to a later one. How was it? I'm so anxious to learn more about seed saving. I did get an excellent book but wanted to hear it from a person who really knows the techniques, etc.
We need more hours in a day, don't we! I'm fine with waiting till your work slacks up, then we'll think about seeds. In the garden, I have carrot and beet seedlings about an inch tall. A few collards, cauliflower, broccoli and chard, but most of them didn't come up. I have 4 tomatoes that I didn't plant. Must have come from the seedballs I threw around. I picked the last of the blackeyed peas last weekend. I have some very small pumkins, a lemon cuke that has only produced a couple cukes so far. It looks like a lemon, but tastes like a cuke, very good and doesn't need peeling. I have some limas and tepary beans. I know it sounds like a lot, but I haven't eaten very much yet. I had a few corn too. Oh and there are some devil's claw and amaranth from the seed balls that are doing well, but I'm not sure what I'll do with them. Oh, and some sunflowers, my daughter took some good pictures of them. I should post some pictures!
Marcy, just looked again at your garden pix - super! Good work! Hey, I was remembering what you said about "all these little roots" in your compost - cos my compost is full of them. It looks to me like a really healthy thing! It's not that stuff hasn't broken down, but that normal healthy soil should be full of all kinds of visible and invisible L I F E - mini-rootlets etcetera. What do you think?
Wow, a tree planting party! That sounds sweet; so nice of you to offer. It sure would be fun. I will already have the holes dug for the 14 deciduous trees that must be planted immediately. The 6 citrus trees will be planted in March. I'm not sure when to plant the grapes, but Heather Welch is coming over this Sunday to help me with a plan.
Can you believe I decided not to go Saturday? I worked in the yard ALL 4 days I had off, even Thanksgiving morning. My daughter did most of the cooking. I made so much progress, but there's a lot more to do.
Thanks for giving Anthea a ride. Maybe we can seed swap between ourselves some day.
"hi anthea =)
sorry, no, i'm not planning on going to that one. perhaps if you post on the event that you're in need of a ride, someone else may be able to help. it looks like a good tour but i've been real busy lately so i'm just going to focus my…"
"good to hear that. i don't blame you, i'd be avoiding it too. i think with some extra precautionary measures in the future, you can avoid this. i've read even dirt can harbor it ( as well as many other things) for now get LOTS of rest and just heal."
hopefully you don't consider this out of line, but i came across a website that may or may not be helpful for your nephew and i thought i'd pass it on. was going to send it as an email, but don't have that option on your page. i have lots of…"
"sue, thanks for your concern. i've just been realy busy lately. i got my wisdom teeth out about a month ago and i think that slowed me down a little bit for a few weeks. lately i've been in a mad rush to try and get stuff done before it gets too…"
"hey peg! the earth oven class is a little out of my price range right now, but thanks for offering.i am planning on going to the foor preserving class the 18th though, if you're interested in that?"
"i'm an amateur at seed collecting so i may not be the best person to answer that question, but my plan was to wait until the plants died and then collect the dried pods with the seeds in them. funny you mention it because i was planning on tearing…"
"thank you so much for the kind comments. i just have a little point and shoot sony camera, but with digital you can take a million so it's a lot easier to get good ones. i have a lot of fun doing it."
"thank you , and yes, it is arugula. i'm waiting to collect the seeds which seems to be taking forever. the bees and ladybugs are happy it's still there though =)"
"hi debbie,
the more aeration the better. lots of holes. i got mine from the city of phx too and am thinking of drilling a few more holes in it. (i also took the lid off and turned it upside down) the tumbler that your hubby made is very nice!"
"little baby chicks! oh, so cute. i went on the tours of the bee oasis and dolce verde this weekend and was amazed at how quiet the chickens were. how cool!"
I'm so thankful it rained early yesterday because I worked in the yard almost all day. There's a lot more to do, but at least it's starting to come together. BTW, remind me when you come over and you can see if you want any of my seeds.
By the way, I'm not sure if my son will have the van running which I hoped to pick up the trees with. And I was wondering since you'll be at the tree pick up, if you would mind bringing mine to my house when your finished volunteering. Well, either way, hope to see you there!
Can you believe I decided not to go Saturday? I worked in the yard ALL 4 days I had off, even Thanksgiving morning. My daughter did most of the cooking. I made so much progress, but there's a lot more to do.
Thanks for giving Anthea a ride. Maybe we can seed swap between ourselves some day.