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  • That would be cool! I live around 7thave/Glendale. What kind of scooter do you have?
  • On the weekend we went to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, first time I've been there and loved it. They are having their native plant sale, through next weekend, and I bought seven 1-gallon plants and really had to restrain myself with those. They are not edibles, all butterfly, hummingbird and bee attracting plants. They had lots of full sized pomegranate trees bearing fruit all along the way. I'm going to order one from the PPG tree sale.
    What have you got planted right now? I've got to get going on planting my seeds, I have romaine, a tomato plant, garlic chives, society garlic, bell peppers and an anaheim pepper growing right now.
  • Hi Marcy, yes the leaves you see, are the passion vine leaves. Do you have a pic of your vine? There are several types of passion vines, if you know the Latin name that would help me identify it batter. As far as a location, passion vines are climbers, and they spread, so a fence or a trellis will be good for support. Now, the caterpillars that are eating it, don't kill them! the turn into beautiful butterflies, and they really don't really hurt the vine. The pic of the beautiful butterfly on the lantana, on my page, that is one of the caterpillars that was munching on our vine :o)
  • Hi Marcy, glad to see your post. My compost is slow, too. I don't really know why, it is definitely breaking down. My temperature fluctuates but doesn't get very hot. I added compost starter, but no real change. Its full of bugs, smells good, looks good, but I find it dries out very fast.
    My yard is so overgrown and we'll start doing some major trimming this weekend. Randy is going to get another container from the City of Phoenix so I can have two going. I think the addition of chicken manure would really help, just have to find some. I am going to the chicken class next Weds night, then we'll build our tractor and get some little guys growing. I think its really just another excuse for me to get more birds, hehe!!
    I only have cilantro planted right now, but just got the last of my seeds in the mail, so will plant this weekend. I have arugula, chives, spinach, bok choy, caulilflower, lemon grass, bee balm, borage, onions, carrots, so hopefully they will do well and I'll have something going. I have been working on a garden area that is recessed and I just added some plants to it, after amending the soil like crazy. But, they are ornamentals. Once they get going, I'll plant veggies in there, as well. Doesn't help that I pulled something in my lower back, so its kind of slow going, but that will get better. I just want to do it all at once, and not ask for any help!
    I'm very glad not to have the Quail problem, that must be very frustrating. My mom does, in Sun City West. Quail and bunnies. Did you look at the pictures posted by Diane? She had little plastic cups around all of her seedlings, might work for you, although I'm sure those guys could push them aside if they were hungry.
  • Hi Marcy,
    Yes you need a juicer that is capable of juicing green leafy vegetables. I use the Green Star twin screw juicer. It does a great job with all vegetables, and an exceptionally good job with grass. I bought the one with all the attachments, like pasta maker, but don't use them and think one could get by with the next step down, which is the same one without all the extras. I love it, and it is much easier to clean than the centrifugal juicer I had before. It would not do grass either.
    The wheatgrass is easy to grow. I start a flat twice a week. That gives my wife and I our daily juice easily. The flats are a standard nursery flat that I acquired by buying wheatgrass from Sprouts Farmers Market until I had established my own sprouting area in my kitchen. Hope this helps. If you need more info, let me know. Jack
  • My compost got off to a great start, heating up right away, but then it stopped. I added more greens and its going again. I bought a chipper/shredder at Harbor Freight and my first batch had not been through the chipper, so it wasn't very small, and that helps alot. Also, it dries out pretty fast. I have been saving the water in my sink when I rinse dishes and use that the pour on the material. That way, it has some kitchen waste in it (I don't use dish soap in the water). I've been using water I've cooked pasta or vegetables in, too. Trying not to put anything usable down the drain. Gee its great talking with you Marcy. Brent and Randy said Hi, too. Remember them?
  • Oh my gosh, Marcy!!!! How neat, yes, of course I remember you! I had no idea you were so talented under that brown uniform!!! I'm so glad you said something, how fun!
  • My first comment was referring to a pruning plan that I got from the Ag extension that told how to prune for fruit production. I just re-read my earlier message and it felt a little unclear.
    We put a stone "floor" under our grape arbor, see my page with photos. Now the dichondra is growing in between them and it looks just gorgeous. Yours will look great too when you get your plantings done. Great job. J
  • I will have cuttings this fall late or early winter from red flame and thompson seedless. Several people have expressed an interest in getting some. I will save some for you if you would like. Mine grew like wild vines in a jungle this year, so there will be lots of cuttings, and they start easily. Jack
  • Give those grapes a couple years and you will have more than you need! Follow basic pruning guide for fruit production after they become dormant in the winter. I got mine from the Agriculture Extension Service in Phoenix. I got lots of grapes the second year mine were in the ground. Good luck, love your use of broken concrete! Looks great. Jack
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marcy left a comment for Anthea
"hi anthea =)
sorry, no, i'm not planning on going to that one. perhaps if you post on the event that you're in need of a ride, someone else may be able to help. it looks like a good tour but i've been real busy lately so i'm just going to focus my…"
Sep 16, 2009
marcy left a comment for Erika
"good to hear that. i don't blame you, i'd be avoiding it too. i think with some extra precautionary measures in the future, you can avoid this. i've read even dirt can harbor it ( as well as many other things) for now get LOTS of rest and just heal."
Jul 9, 2009
marcy left a comment for Erika
"how are you feeling?"
Jul 9, 2009
marcy left a comment for Ericka
hopefully you don't consider this out of line, but i came across a website that may or may not be helpful for your nephew and i thought i'd pass it on. was going to send it as an email, but don't have that option on your page. i have lots of…"
Jul 2, 2009
marcy left a comment for Jane Doyle
"my pleasure ;)"
May 13, 2009
marcy left a comment for Sue Wefel
"sue, thanks for your concern. i've just been realy busy lately. i got my wisdom teeth out about a month ago and i think that slowed me down a little bit for a few weeks. lately i've been in a mad rush to try and get stuff done before it gets too…"
May 9, 2009
marcy left a comment for Peggy Sorensen
"hey peg! the earth oven class is a little out of my price range right now, but thanks for offering.i am planning on going to the foor preserving class the 18th though, if you're interested in that?"
Mar 30, 2009
marcy left a comment for Michael and Lylah Ledner
"thanks lylah, you are always so kind =)"
Mar 29, 2009
marcy left a comment for Michael and Lylah Ledner
"i'm an amateur at seed collecting so i may not be the best person to answer that question, but my plan was to wait until the plants died and then collect the dried pods with the seeds in them. funny you mention it because i was planning on tearing…"
Mar 16, 2009
marcy left a comment for Michael and Lylah Ledner
"thank you so much for the kind comments. i just have a little point and shoot sony camera, but with digital you can take a million so it's a lot easier to get good ones. i have a lot of fun doing it."
Mar 15, 2009
marcy left a comment for Michael and Lylah Ledner
"thank you , and yes, it is arugula. i'm waiting to collect the seeds which seems to be taking forever. the bees and ladybugs are happy it's still there though =)"
Mar 15, 2009
marcy replied to Debbie's discussion Rotating Composting Barrel aeration ? in Soil Builders
"hi debbie,
the more aeration the better. lots of holes. i got mine from the city of phx too and am thinking of drilling a few more holes in it. (i also took the lid off and turned it upside down) the tumbler that your hubby made is very nice!"
Mar 15, 2009
marcy left a comment for Sue Wefel
"little baby chicks! oh, so cute. i went on the tours of the bee oasis and dolce verde this weekend and was amazed at how quiet the chickens were. how cool!"
Mar 11, 2009