Muscovy Drake Dilemma

My drake, Errol Flynn, is about 5 months old. He free ranges with two Muscovy hens, 4 Ameraucauna hens, and 2 Nigerian Dwarf Does. He picks on everyone, especially the larger doe. Will this get better? Keep wondering if his behavior is sexual frustration, as he is clearly trying but not seeming to accomplish much. Admitted I am not a Duck Dr Ruth, but isn't standing flat footed on top of the hen's back, ummm, not productive? Anybody have any experience or suggestions? As we don't need him to get eggs, he is looking more and more like a good candidate as the guest of honor at a Roast Duck Dinner. Would anyone like to offer him a good home?

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  • My feelings and experience on this is he will continue to get worse not better even when he is able to accomplish his goal. Your hens will suffer more and more at his continued advances and really in my opinion you would be better off without him especially if they do not have access to a LARGE body of water to get away from him.
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