Disappointing experience at local hatchery...

Let me start this by stating, I have no to desire to slander, or cause any discussion that is not positive. I do however, want to warn (especially newbie) poultry keepers of my experience at a local hatchery.In March I took my 4 children to C&C Hatchery, so that they could each pick out a laying hen. I was told prior to going out there that a laying hen would cost $25. Upon arrival the price had gone up to $50 and up! It was recommended to me that I purchase 3-4 MONTH old hens, for $18 as they would be laying very soon. The kids excitedly chose what we were assured were 3-4 MONTH old HENS. Two of my kids only wanted Americauna hens, for their tinted eggs. Fast forward 4 months, and we have only 1 Americauna hen, the other is a Rhode Island Red Rooster. The worst part is that I now know what was sold to us was not 3-4 months old but rather 1-3 WEEKS old. After emailing C&C Hatchery, and reading similiar experiences from past customers, I'm left to believe that he is an opportunist, unwilling to do honest business with even a child. I have included pics to show the size they were about a week after we purchased them, a couple months later, and current pic of rooster that now needs a good home.




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  • I had put my name on their waiting list for Sebastapol geese. They were difficult to reach in the first place & they never bothered to call me when their geese hatched. I won't be bothering to drive all the way out there to buy anything from them that is for sure.
    • The feed lot up on 19th Ave and Deer Valley has sebastapol geese. (I don't mean to sound like a broken record with the Feed Lot, they just seem to keep coming up!)
  • C & C also listed themselves as a "rooster sanctuary". Before I took my rooster down there, my husband checked around and heard some horror stories about the conditions at C & C from two of his colleagues.
  • I am so sorry to hear about this. It just seems like there is story after story of how C&C have screwed people over. It's a nice thought to support a local hatchery, but I think these people have done a huge disservice to the community and a 3 strikes (7, 8 strikes?) you're out rule should apply.
    For one, those prices are outrageous, $50 a bird?? Two, it's just about as good to support a locally owned feed store like the Feed Lot that has a HUGE selection of birds, very low prices and they stand by what they sell and will be very honest and helpful.
  • Thank you for posting this. I had thought about going out to C & C because my son really wants a couple of maran hens (he loves the dark eggs), but think I'll re-think that decision.

    If you're looking for a good local source for chickens (sometimes chicks), check this link on craigslist. My son and I purchased 2 Australorp hens (at about 2 months old) from her back in mid-March and they had to be the correct age because they both just started laying in the last month. They were in good health when we got them and they're just beautiful now. BTW, her husband built the automatic waterer that I just uploaded pictures for!! You can see the waterers she uses in the ad photos on craigslist, too.

    • Yes, you're talking about Vanessa; I've bought three RIRs from her. She is extremely knowledgeable about chickens and is devoted to their care. My RIRs are fine and healthy too. She's definitely a good source for folks who need chickens!
      I'm glad her husband is selling the waterers now. I have a nice big pan in the shade I keep filled for my chickens, but precisely because I'm relatively anal about the quality of their water and dump/fill it often, I'll bet Vanessa's waterers would help me use a lot less water. Their water would be even cleaner and it's easy to clean the waterer, isn't it? I'll have to give her a call.
  • Wow, thank you for letting us know. Plenty of people do want to support local businesses over out of state ones, except for people like this guy. Good grief. Did you report him to the AZ Better Business Bureau? It's easy to do online.
  • Thanks for sharing. I have seen their ads and considered going there to purchase chicks with my children, thanks for the warning. I would rather support a local company with better business practices.
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