About Me:
I paint, have chickens, quail, tilapia (in an aquaponics system), gardens, fruit trees, solar panels, rainbarrels, preserve food and create alternative-powered appliances (at varying levels of success). I love heirloom seeds and have a bit of a hoarding/coveting problem with them. Here's my art website: www.rachelbess.com and here's my permaculture/urban homesteading blog: rachelstinyfarm.blogspot.com.
Just wanted to send you a pic of the polish you sold us a while back. We named her Ophelia to go along with our Shakespearean naming theme. She has adjusted well to her new home. It took a couple weeks for the others to accept her into the flock and stop pecking at her, but now she's just another one of the girls. She mostly pals around with Juliet, the white leghorn.
Stay cool!
My husband has caught the chicken bug. He built a roof for the coop and a matching hen box, added misters and fans. He wants to get a Cochin but asked that I ask you about them first. He's more into the pet-side, where as I am more into the eggs, meat , fertilizer and of course pets....=0)
I'm interested in raising chickens for meat. I have two friends who are also interested in sharing this project. Can you suggest some reading or someone with experience to talk to? I also have 3 chicks turned roosters. They are about 10-12 weeks old and have started crowing. I am thinking about them as my second project...The three of us processed 4 roosters a few weeks ago to see if we could manage by ourselves) that were totally range free on a farm and only fed scratch. They were about a year old. One was roasted and was too tough. One was in the crockpot and made into chicken-a-la-king. (sounds like the three bears!) That was ok, but still a bit 'gamey'. We are thinking about doing around 50 birds and want to make sure they are worth the effort....any input would be much appreciated. I really like the idea of growing organic, no hormone chickens for meat....Thank you, Susan Delete Comment
Did you see the pics I posted of the ducks and their tub? Is Errol's coloring unusual for Muscoveys? Any ideas on how to make the ramp easier for them to use getting in? They can get out just fine, but haven't managed to get in by themselves yet. Two or three times a day I chase them around (Please don't throw me in that briar patch echoing in my head) catch them and put them in the tub. Usually they stay in for about 20 minutes each time.