In another week or so, I should have a small clutch of welsh harlequin ducklings. I am hoping for 4, but I won't count my ducklings before they are hatched. They are under a mama muscovy, but the eggs came from my flock of Holderreads Welsh Harlequins.
I read the discussion below about chickens and ducks together. I keep my drakes away from my hens at all times, but the ducks are just fine with the chickens. Depending on the strain of harlequins, they can be outstanding layers and are considered to be one of the best. I always have duck eggs. I love my muscovies, but yes they are a bit more tempermental in the laying. But my son can carry around the muscovies in his arms, you normally cannot do that with other ducks.
If anyone is interrested in these ducklings, please let me know. They will be $6 each. Thank you.