Question about egg laying

I have three hens, about six months is a Rhode Island Red, one a Barred Rock and an Auracauna.........the Red and Rock have been laying almost every day for the last month, but nothing from the Auracauna yet. Does this breed develop slower, or is she just letting the other two do their thing, figuring how many eggs can two people eat, anyway?!!

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  • My Ameraucana took about 7 months until she started laying but has been consistent since then. In addition, she's a bit smaller and her comb has not grown in like the others (2 Black Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Red Sex Links).

  • Wow, I was hoping that my Easter Eggers would start laying soon, but I've probably got another month or more to go with them, huh? The Australorps started laying around 5 months, the Campine at just over 4 months and our little Phoenix also at 5 months (we just got her 4th egg's tiny...and pointy). We're also waiting on our Golden Wyandotte. Hope she starts sooner than the Easter Eggers! I know...patience...patience.
    • I have 2 Easter Eggers. One laid at just over 5 months old and one took a couple of weeks longer to start laying.
  • My Auracaunas took FOREVER to start laying. I did some research and found this to be a common issue with the breed. However once they did start laying they have proven to be great layers and very consistent.

    • Thanks so much Vanessa, that is reassuring! I just didn't want anything to be wrong with her, she's the best hen.
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